♥ [dl] march issue, article three. |
♥dramallama! straight from the llama's mouth. sunday, march the twenty-first, twentyten.
We've got news out the wazoo, so try to stay with me.
Earlier this week, Zia and Elyse patched things up and played nice. Aeryn ( always the condescending one ) snidely predicted that it wouldn't last long.
It didn't last two days, people.
Then, we have the scandal that has been flying around for a while now. I can see the headline now: "Tastes Like Chicken". You'll understand in a moment. Elyse and Ted were having a little too much fun last week, and Ted decided it'd be raunchy and racy if he visited Rosy Palm and her five friends, and ate his own... ahem. All on cam. All in front of Elyse. Can I get a barf bag?
Anyways, they both seem to be proud of the whole thing, so congratulations to the happy couple.
In other news, Zia's been hopping around. A few days ago, she was on Neville's arm. However, that was over within twenty-four hours, and not too long after, Zia was with Allan, and seemed happy.
Today, hell broke loose as Zia saw Elyse moving in on her man. Enraged, she yelled a couple of fighting words, then took her boyfriend elsewhere to be interrogated. When they returned, Zia went back to snarling at Elyse, and Allan ( hoping to clear some blame from himself, no doubt ) said that Aeryn was the one who'd told Zia that Elyse had been doing the nasty. Aeryn, usually calm, burst into flame and lashed out at Allan, dropping the f-bomb on him a couple of times for good measure. Raiden jumped in to calm the crowd of angry kids, but succumbed to it and began to yell at Elyse.
Zia left, pretty t-o'd, and Elyse got right to work. She took Allan to a corner and basically rubbed Zia's image into the mud, telling him that Zia was a liar, self-centred, and a no-good, two-bit ho. Allan, easily impressionable, took her words to heart, and Raiden, over-hearing their conversation ( or smack session, rather ), went over and began reprimanding Elyse. Elyse countered with her trade mark "SHUT THE F-K UP!" ( To do it correctly, repeat it over and over with lots of exclamation marks, in caps, and make sure it drowns out all common sense. ) and there was a lot more chicken-fighting before everyone realised what a waste of time it was and fizzled out.
And all of a sudden. and without warning, all the lovers turned on each other. Both Ted and Elyse, and Allan and Zia, split up.
In the case of the former, Elyse hears that Ted only wants her so that he has someone to have e-sex with. Without consulting him, she ends it, leaving a confused Ted in her wake.
"It's stupid, isn't it?" said a disgruntled Ted, who's convinced that his ex-girlfriend's an idiot.
Well, at the moment, he did. After an hour, Ted and Elyse are back on. Says the same man, "I gave her a second chance. Everyone deserves one."
Allan and Zia did not turn out so well.
And I, being the omniscient Llama, have one of the messages here for you.
"Wtf [ Zia ], saying that [ Elyse ] is going after me....you know what the reason i dumped you was because all this emo crap your doing...im tired of it you even make up fake rumors about my friends...im tired of this you know that i loved you....but all i wanted was the drama to stop....ok"
Wow, brilliant conclusion. 'ok'. Men. No longer the chivalrous type ( or the intelligent type ). It's horrendous.
And imagine that. Just like with Elyse and Ted, Allan failed to consult Zia before he accused her and eventually dumped her.
There's your scoop for today, kiddos. Llama out. ♥
chai high · Mon Mar 22, 2010 @ 04:57am · 0 Comments |