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God's love made me who I am today. I hope to share what I've learned to help others experience the same love I have.
We all have dreams. Many are random pictures thrown together in our subconscious, and others can be visions. I believe when it comes to God, there are no coincidences, which leads me to believe that what I have experienced is no coincidence.

To start off, I don't dream much. When I wake up and actually remember my dream it is usually too random or distant to really take note of. On top of that I have never had a real nightmare since I was too young to participate in school, and it was really only 1 or 2 nightmares that I remember. Before my dream I was growing closer in my relationship with Christ, but like all people I still had some doubts, and I was not putting my full heart into this new relationship. Which sets up why what happened to me that one night is so important to me.

~~~~~~~It was a dark night, and I was woken suddenly in terror as my entire body was violently shifted diagonally in my bed. I was forced to look out the window beside my bed to see a full moon accompanied by a large bright star, much brighter than any star I have seen. Then as my attention was affixed on the moon a booming voice from within me proclamed "I am God." and as my gaze changed to the star the voice again spoke "This is my son." ~~~~~~~~~

This is a very strange occurrence to me for a couple reasons. First of all the way I slept at the time was in a vertical position in my bed, after I woke up from my dream I was in the diagonal position as in my dream, proving I was really moved. In addition, this dream was very vivid, detailed, clear, not random, not fuzzy at all, very unlike my normal dreams. Not only that, but the fact that I woke up in fear from this dream is strange, because first of all, I don't wake up from my dreams, second I never wake up frightened. I was very confused, scared, but comforted at the same time. Did God send me a vision reassuring me of His existence to dispel all doubt? I found something out later that month that would help me figure that out..

I didn't go to Sunday school very often at 1st Methodist, but one of the days I did decide to go I was in for a surprise. The lesson the instructor was teaching us about was dreams and visions from God. Coincidence? He told us about how the prophets and people of the bible experienced dreams and visions and all of them were frightened when they woke up. Sounds like something I experienced huh? That is when I realized God wanted me to know that indeed it was a vision from Him, funny thing is I had no idea he was to send me one more complex than that later.

Several years later, I have grown much in the Lord, and I read a bit of the Book of Jasher(a book not canonized by our current bible). Its basically like a summary of the old testament with some different information/stories. I read the story of Abraham and was surprised to find that Abraham had a very similar dream. Still a coincidence? God is so amazing praise to Him!

------One more note, if you feel God calling you to interpret any dream of mine I would be more than willing to allow you to do so.------

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commentCommented on: Thu Sep 30, 2004 @ 02:58am
A very facinating dream. I find it odd how God can be so different when He chooses to send dreams.

A dream I had oct. 28th of last year:

It was about my dad and I and we were left behind. We were in this religious institution standing in a line. My mom and sisters were raptured away. Anyway, we were part of a group who willingly wanted to die instead of live on through the tribulation under the anti-christ. For some reason, though, I wasn't born-again and was confused as to why my dad would want us to die. There was this staircase that lead to the plaform that looked like a scaffold, but I sensed that It held some sort of device that would behead us(I overheard a conversation that these guards were having...something about how the blood of those who were killed was all over the facility and something else about their heads). When we neared to the platform, we were instructed to cloth ourselves in white cloth and we were told to tie a white towel around our necks so that our blood wouldn't make as much of a mess. It was my dad's turn to die and I remember clinging to him because I was so scared (I have no fear of death, so that was unusual to me). And then it was my turn....from that point, it's like I was blind-folded because I couldn't see what was happening, but I could hear and feel it. I went up the steps, was forced to my knees, felt some kind of moist clamp around my neck and heard some heavy blade falling...I couldn't feel any pain, but I felt my head being severed...then the dream ended.

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 05, 2004 @ 08:27pm
God has a purpose for everything, dreams/visions are ways God communicates with us and helps us understand what God wants for us. I was courious to know what you think the reason He chose to send you that dream. Was it to realize how serious walking in faith with Him is or something else? I have some ideas of what my dreams/visions are about, but sometimes God wants us to have others interpret these visions, which is part of the reason I wrote about mine.

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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 17, 2006 @ 04:47am
that dream is kinda scary...but lithanus's dream was more...i don't know how to describe it.

commentCommented on: Sat Sep 02, 2006 @ 08:05am
RedRoseAya> hey, i looked on a thing called, Dream Moods and i got these answers resembling your dream

To dream that you or someone else is being beheaded, signifies poor judgment or a bad decision that you have made and regretted.

*Please see also Decapitation.

To dream that you are decapitated, signifies that you are not thinking clearly and you are out of control. You have the tendency to act before you think.

im not sure if those are true, but its a guess.

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sargent sqirrel
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Mar 22, 2008 @ 05:49pm
Very interesting dream.

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