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Yesterday Some strange things have been happening lately so , I'm gonna post everything that happens, well all the werid/funny stuff anyway... xD

Community Member

Wang Chung brought a little boy with him to his stand.

Me and my cousin were walking passed when the boy ran up to us.


Me. "Uh... Hi?"

K. "Deki? Do you know of him?"

Me. "...No..... I think..."

"I'm Pao. You buy fruit??", he held up this old, rotten, nasty pear right into my face, it practically squished against my cheek.

I walked backward, "N-no thanks. I d-dont like pears..."

He looked at me confused, "Fruit. You buy...?"

"No, I don't want any."

This is where it got werid he started cry and grabbed my cousins arm, "If no fruit, bought i don't go home!!!!!!"

K. "Deki.... Just buy a peach or something."

Being nice, "Agh! Fine." handing him 5 dollars i said, "can I buy that pear now?"

He wiped his eyes, and told me. "Pear $10."

"WTF???, for a rotten pear."

Close by i hear wang chung saying something like, "IT GOOD FRUIT!"

"i'm getting ripped off by a kid... Ok here."

So, then my cousin decides she wants strawberries, and wouldn't you know it his strawberry really looked..... Healthy...

We were about to leave when i grabbed the kid and said, "Ok, we'll take you home ok?"

"What? No, Leave i stay... Ok?"

"kid to buy the.... fruit and then..."

"Ohkay bye..."

Wang chung's open big... "BUY?! SHE WANT BUY! GO GET MONEY GO!"

"Run for it!." me and my cousin had to hope fences just to run for him...

Werid yesterday...