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Allrighhhtyy. Seee .. Err,. My Liifesz Been Purty Good Lately.. Sliqhty Screwed Uhp. im Losing Mah Voice Nd i Cant Speak Shisz Tah No1 All i Kan Do Ihsz Type Tuh Yhu` People .. Err, Not Mah First Chocie Buh` Yhu Know. Ihtsz Like Talkinn To mah Self. No1 Fuhkkin Caresz. Gaia Isz` Oudda Dah Questionn Lately. i Cannot See How Isz`` So Fhukkenn` Attractivee. i Love That Symbol [[ ` ]] Yeah Yeah Hatesxz`` On Dhat Shiit. Okay Well.. Mah Diary Isz Mah BestFrands. So Ihtsz Like a Publicc` Online Diaryy Ina Sordah` Way. Buht.. i Would Not Complainn Ihf People Heardd Mah Thouqghtsz. Shitt`` I Could Wriite Awll Niqht Ihf Possible. ... Mah Life Widd Mah Bf Has Been Good. Showedd Meeh Dhat [[Diickkiee``]] Yhu Knoo.. Sowwie Sound Likea Prositutee``. L0l. Buhht WE wasz Alont Aht Mah House Parentsz Wasent`` Home nd Well We Got Freakki.. We Didnt [[Banq Banq DAMMMN Banqq.]] Oooh Like That Shiszz`` Good Banq.. Buht Yhu Kno .. He Wanted Mee Tuh Suhkk Ihtt. im Sorry am i Makinn Yhu Horny?? Hahah Sowwie. i Didnt Suhkk Ihf Yah Waitinn Fo CuhnClu.` Sooo anyywayy, Like Fake MakeUHp Sexx. L0l. Trustt Mee Hunnie`` i Lubb Dae Tah Deathh, . He'sz Ereythinn` Tah Me. Liike. Woww. i NEVER Been Widd Some1 i Likedd Soo Muchhh Okay Dhasz Part 1.'` Lemme Save Nd Look Over.. L0l.

-Partt 1`` -Deee-Done.

-Part 2`` - Staa-Staarrt,

Yess hellow` Qawshh i lubb Daee ` Likee hello. kiss mee babyy. `` Sometimess youu liee nd Untrustworthyy soo idk ihf id marry yuee `` but ihf yuee change der hopee babyy ` Thiiss a start tewh a new lifee of uss. `` i want chu to no i wnt 3 kidss ` either 2 boys or 1 girl or 2 girls and 1 boy.. heh. i hopee i havee stronqq jeanss dudee. yess. oh gawshh lookss .. `` mhhm ` i hopee i qot dem geness sowwiee ihss not spelled jeanss loll`` my mistakeee. imaa qoe to old navyy nd qet my `` qawd yess. booty readd. `` lolss everr seen that commercial.. qet chur booty dwnn here. ` qet chaa bewtyy read... lolss Pwnnn babyy pwnn ` funny shiss . go to thaa websitee ihf youu gotta webcamm . i do ik dat.. `` hehhe wellss.

-Part 3`` - In Love Wiff Summ1 Elsee. v.v talk2hand heart

Hi.. Yewh Knoww Mhee ` erm. ` i tell yuee i qot probss latleyy. ` Yuee knowss i qotss a bf i lovee dearlyy. ` daee. ` or dree. lets say dree now. ` soo mhee nd dree are havinn probss. ` evaa sincee he becamee a lier.. ` i just kinda dont know if i chan.. ` yuee know. ` believe thee s**t cominq out hiss mouthh ` likee. hmph.. i want us too last ` itss alwayss been thadd way ` soo err. ` i mean. ` Like i saidd im in lovee wiff sum1 elsee. ` soo yeah its akward nowadayss. cuz he's like never likedd this person. ` nd i made biq msitakee. i told him i love this guy like almost more thenn himm. ` soo he kinda qot mad... ` then held my hand . . ` walkedd mhee homee. ` cuz im like 2 miles awayy frum skewl.. anythingg cud happen.. yah kno. ` then yuee knoww thiss was akwardd after i told himm diss. ` we camee to my house. he gave mee a hug i wrapped my armss round hiss neckk ` yuee know.. -thiss bee last day of skewl `.- soo yeahh he saidd he lovedd mhee. nd saidd. ihf he dont treat me ritee he finaa breakk hiss neck. nd i said dree dont. and he slapped mah cheek. then im likee niqqa What Thee ******** ` . he rubbed my cheek saying oh my gosh jazi im sorry. thenn i started crying. he said jazi no stop.. i pushed him away. then i got angry.. i said Get away from mhee. so he walked home hes like a few blockss down... ` then i sat on my step.. then whoo curtiss texted mhee. sayinqq heyy sexyy. im likee aww . then texted heyy do you wanna go out? he wass like omg i been wating for you to ask all my ******** life. thenn yuee know i laughed. - thiss bhee nothing to forget`- i said yess i wannna go out so then he came over. then yuee know we tawked then i told him i loved him like wiff all my heart and always did. - even doee we not tooqther.. i still loved him`- then he looked at my cheek said it looked kinda red nd was like whats this. - i rubbed my cheek saying nothing. wipee my tear-- he kissed it said feels better? i was like Uh yeah of course. - hiss kissesz maqic . ! ` - then he kissed my lipss then he said does it feel def better - ? ` i said Hell Yess. then we laughed. then made out... we sat tooqether till like it was time for him too qoo soo it wass like offcial i wass like soo happy. i cudnt believe howaa bad day `.. like ` went qood. ` ! heh. Curtiss.. <3

Part- 4 `` - me nd Dae Weird feeling.

Next day Dae called. i Saidd Ellos. He said Hey Jazi.. Hi Dree. - im not gne do he said she said. just know dre always first tawker.- Whats up.. Nuffin yuee.Why yue calling. Well.. i wanna still be together. im sorry bout yesterday.. No Dree you blew it.. your chances are filled. Jazi i really want it to work. i started to cry. i dont want to wake up to you trying to make me cry. Jazi im tynah make us toogether. No Curtis is my boyfriend.. it was offcial yesterday. then i hungup. Soo as yuee know all dhee teenagers haveaa hangout.. thee community center&park. Me nd Curtis sat on the big field where the football field is. we tawked i got on top of him and we just kissed. all my friendss was like gettta room , ` so we like just laughed lol.. awwys i loved that day.. on top of curtis.. hmph.. nice. Curtis tawked to hiss boyss nd they wassz like Damn youu qot jazi? i told my girls i dumbed Dree like Nenoo. They wass likee woww. youu canceldd thatt Niqqa ..? why..? he was cute. i said i know. but hes a lier.. so i dont think yawd like him ` my friendd KayKay said Hmph you just dotn want us wiff him cuz he yo ex.. i was like trust me girl im over iht already curtis.. he had my heart sincee day 1. aldoee i never really like wanted himm.. but now i see thee bf in himm. i feel bad cuz thatss all hes been trynah prove evaa since.... ` then dae came.. i said hey.. Nylah Was Like Uhoh.. i said shutup lolss.-Nylah and Kaykay told mee allabout when they was tawkin to dre nd what he said.- Dre said hey girls.. mind if i crash? Nylah said No Dr.Dre. Lolss. KayKay said not at all. and giggled. Hmphh as his ex i said.. i do bye.. ` Soo Dre Nylah said you want me? No he wants me nylah said. Dre said neither of you i fell for jazi and shes no player.. Nylah said like youu.. Kaykay said yeah and that was my biggest mistake.. Nylah said gotta say we are cute.. im not surprised you tried.. Kaykay.. Nylah look at them ont he grass again .. Nylah said i know they are so cute toogether. Dre said no WERE cute toogether. Nylah said get over it cuz shes over you.. Dre..said she ... is..? ` Nylah- Um yess. She said shes always loved curtis just never reallytold you..KayKay- Uhuh she gunna love him forever and thats comething you got to speak her outt of. Nylah- gotta say if you were like curtis she wuld be still lovein you.. Nylah- Yep.. she cant take 2 curtises only 1 only thing is is that she know curtis longer then you. KayKay- Right.. ` that was iht then dree wass gonee. . . i kant believee whatt theyy was speakinn boutt. nd what they told me .. hmphh. this isnt word for word but this is what they kinda said..

Part 5.. ` Life Wiff Curtis.

Alriqht soo i lovee thiss kidd. ` im frumm jerseyy sooo we call every1 Kidd. Hehhs - ` hes like thee worldd tuu mhee. i didnt think he'd be suchh a qood boyfriendd likee He qot ehthing i want.. He sexyy.. ` i alwayss knew dat no liee.. whyy yuee think we wassx friendss. i dont fhukk wifff a Uglee niqqa ` Heh - Anywayss. Hes fancyy.. He brinqs mee fancyy placess. ` he's nicee.. so generous andd for thee ppl in need. biggrin he`s flirtyy. yuee knoow qoota lovee flirtyy duddess.. thats sexyy .. ` heh. ` okaee phonee call frum daee right. he call peoplee alot whenns he jealouss. ` soo he says Hey.. Im like what up.. Nothing he sayss. ` cuz thats all we do whenn we not tooqther or not tawking alot or mad.. sameo sameo as youu can see.. soo he sayss so is curtiss doinq youu right i saidd yeahh he qood he`s becominq best i ever had.. he said oh cuz he actually thee bestt i evaa hadd .. ` i cudd hear himm wiff hiss sad voice.. so i saidd what youu doing.. i memberr him sayinn playinn xboxx livee.. wanna play..? i said naw.. ima relaxx now.. maybee laterr..? ` i nevahh did it later.. cuzza sumthinn yew see. ` he said okay thenn its a datee. i laughed like suree. then he said whudd soo funny. i saidd cuzz im used to hearinq "datee" frum myee bf. he said that should be me. i said thats oh well. he said aight then i said Fine MothaFhuckkaa. ! then hung up. then Dre called ` Sister bf ` - i wassz like hello..? he said hey Jazi what up.? i said ohh nothing lookinq for Kiraa.? He said yeahh i havent tawkedd to her since skewl out. i saidd ohh she in other room hold up a sec..- i knockk she said whadaupp quh. ..? Yah bf. on dhaa phonee..i say. she said omg and slammed the door all i heard her say wass heyy babby. i wa slikee psh. why hasntt Curtiss called.. ` maybee he waiting for mee. so i called and he said aye. then i heard my friend Kaykay say babby lets makee out comee on.. he saidd shh hello baee.? i said Ugh ******** you and hung up. soo i laid in bed for 5 hours crying.. then kira came in saying qirl wheree youu at.. i said i just wanna cry.. she sat down saying why..? i wassx likee cuz.. Curtis is dating kaykay.. kira said omg and said sorry youu want me to beat that whore up..? i cudda sworn he's been waiting since forever.. then he go do that to you.? thats kindaa cold.. i said right.. i dont wanna tawk.. she said girl want me to cry with youu.? - okaee like kira is my fave siss outta all 6 i have. we promisee we do almost ehthinq tooqether.. ` thouqh i said no its alright dont feel my pain.. i was lying insidee thouqh.. she said aww qirl cann youu stay heree wiff Shantayy&&Moni..? omg girl.. i said..she said i have date wiff dree nd youu know i love that boy.. i said okayy for youuu no reason to rinn your lifee. you actually have a boyfriend that loves you dearly.. i have 2 that cheated on me.. kira said girl dont say that.. youre always gone have me.. and if you everything ima always be there no matter what.. dont matter if we hate each other to death.. your my sis and thats something that cant be thrown away.. i said yeah and smiled.. and then played wiff Moni and Shan till dre was der.. i opened door and told kira yo date is here.. she saidd ohhy. and said hey baby i missed you and they hugged.. he said girl ive been missing that assz and your beautiful self.. she blushed and kissed him ` like a peckk ` then they held hands and walked to popeyes a few blocks down. so then i went back and laye don couch and watched themm. then my phone rang.. it was curtis i saw like guys be right back they really said ` otayy. ` i said hello.. what the hell you want and sat down with my body held up by the wall. legs in front of face.. he said you mad.. i said duh in a said voice and low. he said want to make up i said no... he said why.. cuz i thought you wass truee and youu was THE ONE. ` he said i am.. i said obviously your not and hung up. i wiped my tears and went back to living room.. Moni said who was that stackinn a block. i said girl you 4 . then we both laughed. shantay said oh were almost done.. she asked if i wanted to stack the last block.. i said yah.. then i did it carefully and moni said takea picture. so i did. and we group hugged. i realized there.. those 2 were my truee homiess for real.. so i put them in bed.. and said goodnight they said goodnight.. then dae called.. i said hello.. he said Heyy whaddup. i said Curtis is a cheater.. he said oh news great so we like dont hang up so fast.. i said yeahh.. dae said i told you if he do you wrong.. i would beat him up.. do you want me to now..? i said i dont even know anymore.. its like should i stay or should i go... He said i dont know either..
i said like i didnt think id have to get to that point.. and dae im surprised you talk to me i thougth you didnt liek me anymore like i thought you wanted us to break up.. he said never i wanted that i guess i was just being a jerk and thats gonna stick to me and im just so mad at myself everyday.. is said yeah.. i realized you are THE ONE... he said thank you.. but its just that ive been asked out this week.. to go to wendys.. i said oh.. i guess maybe Dwayne and Ceejay are the only guys left in my life.. dae said noo.. we can be friends we can see how it works out with me and this girl..Tiana.. i said oh never heard of her.. he said maybe thats best.. and keep it that wayy.. i said i dont know.. dae said im just happy were talking.. i said yeah its comforting.. dae kissed me through the phone and said see you later on.. i said you jerk i like that song i just hate its by soulja boy.. he said right.. we both laughed and then i kissed him through the phone and said see you later on.. he laughed and said byee love you.. i said love you too.. then for the first time ` we both hung up.. ` i actaully felt like he was my boyfriend.. it was weird cuz we werent together.. i whispered to my self yay then i went to the livingroom and fell asleep on the couch..

Part- 5 `` Tiana and dae - cant believe it..

Im Mad i work at Wendy's ! i cant believee im qettinq Jealouss. Likee i bet Tina or wtf everr ! Tianaa idgaff. Shee neeed to Gtfoooo. ! soo i walk to work for my Shift 12-5Pmm. yess So on purposee im suree Tianaa calls him up saying heyy babyy. He said Heyy TeeTee. she saiddd Soo whyy youu aint call me babby or shawtiee likee you call Jazi. he said cuz me and jazi still kewl. she said omg . if youu guyys keep hanging out i dont wanna do this.. he says okay. when we go to wendyys ill tell her. she said kewl babbee. soo itss offcial.? he said umm we never had a first date so after that i kan think bout that. what time we going anyway? she said 12 -ofcoursee so that it can mess with my work... im assisstant Manager soo i kant fhukk up. - he said okay Tee. she said kay dre baby.. he said kay bye.. she said why the convoo over? he said cuz were talking at wendys and its like 11:00 whyy soe earlly. she said but i wanna talk with youu . youu dont knwo we might be toogether soon. he said finee. she saidd so whatss up. he said nothin muchh youu. she said im good just loving youu. he said okay im hanging up.. bye. he called mee. and i said whass sup babee. he said please dont call me that. i stopped and said ooh soo yawl toogether. he said um.. i said ugh.. youu really like her forreal.? shes tynahh endd my axss . likee she trynahh get me fired and she stealing youu soo she`dd be the onlyy onee youu thinkk off. youu knwo whatt dree you dont fhukkinq get me. youu dont undertstand me.. youu know what ive been thru -heard him sniffle- likee andd youu do shiit like thiss. well gtfoo niqqa and dont call me ever again. - i wipe my wet face and continue to work. he called curtis - idekayy why he got hiss number- Curtis say heyy..? ever since i give youu my numberr youu aint called.. must be a emergency. he said yeahh thiss iss crazyy youu made jazi who thee fhukk she iss. when she getss hurt twicee im suree shes hurt.. expcially by twoo people she thought loved her that she loved.. curtis said kaykay came on too me ik she aint no friend.. they def not friends cuz they havent spoke in awhile. dree said youu still with her? curtis cries and with a sad voice he says no she said i was just a lonelyy personn call. i said what and she said i just wanted someone to be with real quickk.. dree said this is your fault youu really hurt her she just cussed me out cuz im dating tianaa thee twin of ariana... and cuz she trynah take out her feeelings.. she is a true hardknock and i feel like a fhuckkinq jackedd niqqa that messed wiff my exwifeyy.. and it slike.. ugh now. its gonna stick with me. curtis says me too. she wouldnt be this way if it wunnet for me.. i cant live with my self. im a loner now like i have nobody all my homiess they dont even speak to me no moree for godd knowss what. Dre said okay niqqa. hang in theree for yourr sakee and jazi. lets sayit together .. so they both say for jazi.. - i cried when they told me bout thiss convoo- v.v- then hung up. then tianna called dre she said heyy babbi.. he said ugh what. she said damn whats up. he said stop calling me babby i feel like a player.. likee ugh. tiana said forget about that sluut...? he said shutup whoree your the whoree jazi onlyy ******** with only 1 personn beforee everything happened and that person wass me. tiana said nooo she wass with dwayne. he said he dotn count they wasnt even offical they just acted like it.. theyre love was fake she said it her self..he did too b***h you dont knwo s**t you fhukkinq stalk jazi.she doesnt even know your axss so what youu need to do if Fhukk off and Gtfoo ! then he hungup. it was 12 and i was working at the counter.. and tiana and dre came in i told my friend Shugie can youu ring them up.. she said ik girl ex and his new new. i said thankss hun muah. she said ily chickaa. kay then. Shugie said welcome to wendys and took their order. -heard thiss convoo- tianaa said oh my this is emmbarressing. i need to doo thee youu knoww whoo. he said okay goo. she said excuse me oh gosh.. -she blushes- and says i be back in 20 dont do anything funny and she kissed him on the cheek and stared at me. she took her hand and layed it on his cheek and moved his head and attempted to kiss him. he pushed her though and said what are you doing. tianaa said i guess ill go. gosh doin all that to just go to te bathroom act like she was leaving. it was break time for me and shugie.. -tianna and dre stayed long time just to we go to one of the booths and talk.. shugie said did your sister and dree walkinns break.? i saidd nuu but she still loves bree and misses her axss. i feel bad for her. she soo sad and depressed like i hope she dun do anything dumb. dree w. lovee her much. shugie saidd ik.. i shudd getta bf.. like umm im going 10thh i thinkk its likee timee. i told her ik itss krazzy.. dre said umm im sorry can one of you girls get me a small frie.. i laughed and said go shug im A.M.- she said Gtfoo Whoree. i said Slut.. He said this is a public place.. she said whatss it too youu niqqa. i said ha. shugie passed him and just threw the fries... i said Suqaar.! she said exscoot me sorrie sir.. he said its okay. i looked at him and helped him pick up the fries and got him a new one. he said thanks Jasmine. i gasped.. when has he ever called me that.. thiss is badd. he stood up and put his hands on my cheek and kissed me. Shugie's mouth dropped and said omg then of course - tiana comes out . like any other storyy blahh thiss iss real thooo-, he said tiana... get a hold of it so more and kissed me more. she pushed me and i said Mofoo Ima bann yo axss. she said Whoree bring yourr axss/. shuggie punched her and said dont mees wiff my jazi . then we ran out the door while dree held her down then shugie calld police cuz tianna came out and fought us and dree pushed her thenn .. yeah quess who got arressted...

Part 6- `` Fight outta handd.

Noww letss Runn thiss backk kayy..? Shugie Punched Tianaaa. But Tiana Pushed me. I did no physical action cuz i knew the police were gonna get called on and im not qunna be blamed. Dre .. all he did was hold her down from getting us.... No ! ha nonlistener Lols. Soo he pushed Tiana.. cuz he cudnt hold her down much lonqer. Yeah so policee and all Tiana of coursee blamess it on me. shugie says ok this b***h. --- police says lets keep it clean -wtff-. anyway she keepg going anyway so she comes out and her not even bf .. their date is a effing tryout like as if a cheerleader like youu have what it takes to be my girl locoo. okay like wdh. police officer says you know what just curse cuz your obviously mad.. so you are..? Tiana says tiana and best believe it. he says okay whats your situation . she says i ahte jasmine with a passion. shugie says ok whorre. she doesnt know your assz your bringin drama your a fhuckinq stalker. like keep out biitch. and stay out okay like fhuck off and fhuck your self. daee would never fhuck your facee or ya holess so end there.. obviously his love for my jazi here started this. police says jasmine whats the story.. i said well officer right i dont know this chick biitch dont even knew her name she's like her sister a whorre. truth is i dont want him back.. like i dont.. he's a flirt i cant do with it. so i want out. i had no physical damage i did.. so yeah shugie says yeah she aint did shiit. dre says ditto. tiana says she hurts me.. shugie says your a fhuckinq liar.. ! Dre says omg you are the worst you are a whorre your a obsessed biitch and you sabataged my life. okay. like just leave me alone once you get outta jail jueve is where you shuda started . she started it and i want a restraining order.. shugie says hmm no were all in same grade.. maybe even class.. well im in 10th but you 3 are in 11th now. -the police take her away until someone bails her out in july a month after...- shugie gives me a hug and says i wanna see kira and everything today like wass goodie today. i said yeah youu can come she said she misses her biitch. shugie laughs and i chuckled then dre touched my shoulder i turned around scared.. but it was him. i said girl hold up. i crosse dmy arms and said what. he says i know ive hurt you soooo much in the last few days. i said ugh dre. ugh. like gosh .. he said i love you dont you get it. i said i get it maybe i dont love you as much as i used too. he said why not.. i said well like you said youve hurt me.. and im like really hurt. like im getting to a point i dont want a boyfriend anymore. he said jazi no. i said jazi yes. im sorry but i can never love you again.. this time im serious dont ever call me text me say sorry kiss me hug me or anything okay i dont want anything to do with you. he says okay.. bye ... i said bye. then walked back with shugie. she said do you still actually love him i said yeah of course.. my mind says stay but heart says let go. she said girl he's a cheater anyway.

i said i suppose.. but i could never love him as much as i did... she said girl chill out there are other guys in the school dwayne doesnt havent a girl yall cud be real this time.. i said idk we just being friends is how me and dre started and thats how it shudda stayed like how me and dwayne are.. shugie said ok...

Part-7``- Shugie me && Kira.