The most amazing ending to the most amazing year - The worst start to the most horrible begining
-2010, do not forsake me.
In one day you have raped my soul.
Shredded my hope,
And put me in despair.
I wish....
I wish....
I'd say I wish you would love me, have the same feelings I have for you, but no.
That would be stupid.
I'd say I wished it never happened, that I never loved you in anyway.
That I never even looked in your direction.
But those memories are precious to me.
I would never want to lose them, even if they cause me pain and despair.
I wish I wasn't such a ******** naive idiot.
You are indeed a demon.
A heart taker, a heart breaker.
A dream maker. </3
I love how many mistakes can be made in such a short time, how they can all add up so fast and all end so quickly in such a short disaster.