<span id="test30523375">. . .</span><br/><div id="post30523375" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;">
Read books on body language Develop a keen sense of observation Practice listening instead of hearing, and observing instead of seeing Practice logic
There are 3 parts in reading a situation:
See. What do you see that is happening? Observe. What do you notice that is different; a stain, a crease? Deduce. What does this imply?
Never take anything for granted. Even the most insignificant entity may present valuable insight into circumstances. When faced by confusion with regards to a decision to be made, collect all your verbal and non-verbal facts. This may aid your decision making process. Read some "Sherlock Holmes" books by Arthur Conan Doyle to study more of his style. Your 'intuition' will be very helpful in day to day situations like predicting outcomes of meetings, and understanding the people you encounter in your day to day life.</div>
Zabethlyburn · Sun Dec 27, 2009 @ 09:31pm · 0 Comments |