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Liber Damnatus
New Ebris commission info
Ebris' overall references can be found here: [x]

As you can see, he's a pretty damn big guy. I find this one to be his main reference pic, due to it being a character sheet: [x]

However, he's a bit smaller than I picture him in that pic. So, I found a pic online that serves pretty well as a general reference of his physique: [x] Ebris is a hair bit smaller than that, but I think that gets the idea (some of the muscles are also somewhat wrong as well, but yeah, it works overall). He's 6'6" in height and weighs 312lbs.

The first part of his redesign is that I'm giving him a beard. Nothing too big, just something like Bill's from Left 4 Dead: [x] Only more black/peppery, as Ebris isn't as old.

Alright, now down to the fun stuff - the armor, coat and weapon designs.

I'll start with the duster coat, as there won't be too much changes to that. I pretty much love the way it looks primarily, like a western duster w/ the back/shoulder cape thingy. You can see this in the main reference/character sheet pic. However, I'd like to make it a bit more...substantial and martial. It would be somewhat similar to this: [x] It would still be all tattered and filled with bullet holes and such, as it is an old coat. Also, the sleeves would be torn/shred and missing from the elbow down, as that will reveal the bracers he is wearing (more on that later). Feel free to be creative with it, like making it more sci-fi'ish while keeping the overall western feel.

Next is the armor. Instead of the stuff he is wearing in his main pics, he will be wearing a black jumpsuit with heavy armor plates strapped over it. The main design reference for the armor can be found here: [x] As you can see, the armor mostly faces outward/forward, whereas the back only contains the thick bands/straps that keeps them in place. They're also highly beat up, which I like. Ebris wouldn't be wearing the helmet seen in the pic, so that and the neck guard thing wouldn't be present (ie, neck exposed down to the upper rim of the breastplate). The armor includes spurs on the boots, which I also want there. As for the color of the armor, I'd imagine it'd be gunmetal, though this can be changed up if you think it would look better with another color (better gestalt, etc.). The bandoleer (the strap that crosses his chest that has grenades, pouches and the like) and the belt are also good - feel free to redesign them somewhat and add stuff (different looking grenades, shackles (since he's a bounty hunter), etc.). The holsters are also good, though you can redesign them as well to make them look a bit better (if they're visible with the coat, anyway). The only major thing that needs to be changed are the bracers - they should be wrapped fully around his forearms, as they house some devices he uses while hunting. Overall, the armor works well, though you can also add some touches you think would look good.

Finally, the weapons. In both of his hands would be his MHI-10 "Carnosaur" Hellpistols. They're basically what Ebris is holding in the one armored pic, though I don't like the design of them beyond the size (they are supposed to be pretty hefty weapons). Instead, I'd like them to be similar in design to the top row blasters you can see in this pic : [x] The coloring of the pistols should be pretty similar to either the first or third pistols on the first row - the artist can choose whichever they feel works best for the pic. The second and third row weapons wouldn't work too well with his holsters, so as said, the first row are the best references. The overall look is just awesome - however, the cylinders should be completely smooth (ie, no depressions) and have the words "SI-7" printed on the sides of them. Steam can be wisping out of the barrels too, if you want. Finally, strapped to his back should be a blaster rifle. I'm very open to design interpretations here, so long as it looks futuristic, hefty and deadly - a good reference idea can be found here: [x] on the bottom row, but like I said, you can have creative freedom for that. I'd imagine it'd be placed diagonally along his back and held in place with a belt loop that would rest across his chest (going the opposite direction of the bandoleer, so it forms an "X" on the chest), but this too can have creative liberties applied to it.