I have a friend who is in her 8th month of pregnancy and her and her husband just found out that thier little girl might have down syndrom. I dont know what to say to her, mainly because I have never been in that situation before. Any suggestions?
Abort. Thats all there is to it. We dont need another "special needs" kid clogging up the public school systems and wasting our tax dollars. Abort ASAP.
kiling someone is never the answer just becuz there different. I HAVE ASPERGER SYNDROME!!! does that mean i should have been killed? NO! you are so ignorant!
ADVICE: just let her know you will be there for her.
Abort. Thats all there is to it. We dont need another "special needs" kid clogging up the public school systems and wasting our tax dollars. Abort ASAP.
size=9]No, there is no proof that it is a scam. But, some of the more cynical Life Issues members who have been complaining about the thread, decided to make a really nasty banner to make fun of Sarah (the girl who got pregnant)
True story!! sara was 15 year old girl who got pregant made thread about it in life issues asking fr advice on how t tell her familiy. sadly she had misscarriage.
Cr8zy · Community Member · Wed Nov 24, 2004 @ 03:46am
PART 2!!!
size=9]No, there is no proof that it is a scam. But, some of the more cynical Life Issues members who have been complaining about the thread, decided to make a really nasty banner to make fun of Sarah (the girl who got pregnant)
True story!! sara was 15 year old girl who got pregant made hread about it in life issues asking fr advice on how t tell her families. sadly she had misscarriage.
Cr8zy · Community Member · Wed Nov 24, 2004 @ 03:48am
OMFG!!!! im sooooo mad holy shitt it was right of you to say that alison ******** bastards people sux alison remember that! omfg if that thread is still going omg im gonna go break sumthing ******** an egg *takes deep breath* thouse are stupid ingorint ppl and NO THATS NOT! FUNNY AT ALL and alison if gaia whernt on the internet i would beat the crap out of them! lol and agian if n e one teases u about "that" tell me and i will beat them up! lol or if n e one teases u online i will lecture them a whole lot with lots of angree faces like this one right here >>> scream
- your LOVEING cuz Alex
plumpfuji · Community Member · Fri Nov 26, 2004 @ 04:54pm
you're right. killing someone is never the answer. and it's deffinatly wrong if it's your own child you're killing. how anyone can't see this is a mystery to me. it is NOT just a bunch of cells and stuff you're destroying. it's a child's FUTURE! a life, a future doctor who could save lives, a future teacher who will mold minds, a future husband/wife/son/daughter/father/mother who is being killed. when you abort you're asking a doctor to go up inside you and chop a baby into peices, then pull it out and throw it away. OR a partial where they force the child to come out feet first, then, before the head comes out, they stick a tube up it's neck and pretty much vacume out it's brains. i know. it sounds like something from a horror comic or something, but it's true. how is this anything but murder? i have no clue, do you?
izam1 · Community Member · Fri Dec 03, 2004 @ 03:43am