It's undeniable: Those of us who are Christians should be willing to talk about the things that Christ has done for us. But sometimes, because of our shyness or insecurities, we're afraid to share our experiences. And that's unfortunate.
We live in a world that desperately needs the healing message of Christ Jesus. Every believer, each in his or her own way, bears responsibility for sharing the Good News of our Savior.
How can you share your faith without sounding "holier than thou"? Here are things to remember: 1. Be humble. 2. Be sincere. 3. Don't be so anxious to talk about your own beliefs that you forget to listen to the other person. And 4. Remember that the life you lead (the way that you demonstrate your faith in actions) is usually much more important then the words you speak. So don't just talk like a Christian; Behave like one too.
As a believer in Christ, you know how He has touched your heart and changed your life. Now it's your turn to share the Good News with others. And remember: Today is the perfect time to share your testimony because tomorrow may simply be too late.
Thoughts For Today.
Theology is an interesting school of thought. The Bible is beautiful literature. Sitting in a quiet sanctuary, bathed in the amber light from stained-glass windows, having our jangled nerves soothed by the chords from an organ--all that is inspiring. But to tell you the truth, when we leave the classroom, close the church door, and walk out into the real world, it is indisputable proof of changed lives that makes us believers.
A Tip For Today.
What if you're uncomfortable talking about your faith? Remember: You're not giving the State of the Union Address--You're having a conversation. And besides, if you're not sure what to say, a good place to start is by asking questions, not making speeches.
A Prayer For Today.
Lord, the life that I live and the words that I speak will tell the world how I feel about You. Today and every day, let my testimony be worthy of You. Let my words be sure and true, and let my actions point others to You. Amen.
A Verse For Today.
This and this only has been my appointed work: Getting this news to those who have never heard of God, and explaining how it works by simple faith and plain truth.
1 Timothy 2:7 MSG
Xx Mosakra xX Community Member |