I've decided to do a journal entry a day for the foreseeable future.
If I skip a day, feel free to shoot me? I enjoy guns~
I need topics though. I can't write a fanfiction every day, too much work.
Topics: "Quote of the Day" and "Lyric of the Day" stolen from Tram. (Or actually, did she steal them from me? I used to have a lyric of the day on my profile.)
Give me suggestions on what to write in JOURNAL comments, please. I enjoy journal comments more than profile comments.
Real Journal Entry - START!
For now, I'll write about what annoys me on Gaia.
- The "Sponsors" (Skittles, Movies, etc.) that appear in the announcements asking you to go watch something to get a crappy item that is worth absolutely nothing.
- PPL dAt tAlK LyK DiiS!!!1 It's not cool, Noobs.
- Profiles that are extremely cluttered with avatars and pictures.
- Twilight fangirls.
- The Chatterbox
- Those girls in GaiaTowns that go around asking people to be their boyfriend. Or cybering.
- GaiaCash
- Getting no fish in the Daily Chance
- Spam journal entries, spam posts, etc. Basically, things that are written only to gain money.
- Anyone who's name ends with "-chan" or "-sama" or other Japanese honorifics. Except if that person is actually Asian
Aaaaand, the song lyric of the day is:
"******** me, I'm a celebrity." - Jeffree Star in Lollipop Luxury
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Katie has nothing to say.
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I'm [i:8a7edaed05]Katie.[/i:8a7edaed05] [/size:8a7edaed05]
Map, map, map the soul.[/size:8a7edaed05] [/align:8a7edaed05]
I'm [i:8a7edaed05]Katie.[/i:8a7edaed05] [/size:8a7edaed05]
Map, map, map the soul.[/size:8a7edaed05] [/align:8a7edaed05]
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FISH!!--> Donghae?