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The Subterranean Room
crap, and even more crap. very crappy. like stinky cheese.
I haven't been on Gaia for about four years if my guess is precise. I don't know why I stopped using my account. I guess I was just somewhere out there in the world finding myself. But seems like is not yet the time to sing victory about that topic. Anyway I really don't have much going on right now. I've been looking for a job like a dog tries to unbury its own bone, but no good news so far. wouldn't it be great if a job just fell right down from the sky and landed in my head just like my mom comes up with bad day food. When I can't blame it on anyone else but me, I turn the frown upside down and blame it on this Government and this stupid Economy. Yeah that's right I said it.

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  • [07/15/09 09:23am]