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My day-

Community Member
April 28, 2009---Tuesday
Well, today was ALL about gossip and hate. Sounds wonderful, right? WRONG! The first thing that went wrong was that I found out that Nick doesn't like me. crying And then, during Social Studies, Olivia and Kayla got into a fight and I was the "messenger." confused Olivia thinks that Kayla gossips a little to much, and I kind of think the same.......but now, Kayla's pissed off at Olivia. arrow And there both my friends!
Anyway, ever since we started Litature groups, I absoulotley love it! heart I love my "job" that I have to do and I love the book that were reading. It's called Hatchet. Best book ever so far! wink
I used to really like Demi Lovato, but now my favorite singer is Taylor Swift. I love the song "Love story" and "Our song". I just sent 3 new ringtones to my phone. One was love story and our song and gives you hell. LOL. 9.99 a month.....i didn't even ask my mom if I could do this. LOL. biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin