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Like 0mfg i have 6 otha sibz 13 year old 11 year old two 3 year olds and a 6 year old. 0mg they get on my frgin nerves. thats why sometimes im not on gaia alot. the 13 year old is Kira she like so pretty guyz hit on her alot! meh 2 im pwetty hawt myself comes frm oua mama and we stunt likea daddy. heart heart heart Kira i love you sis! heart heart heart 11 yeaR OLD Kayla is comin into Kira's world her b_day on may 3. shes so excited minez was on da 23rd ty im 16 sweet 16 was yesta day ata club plus i havea manshion dats why ma daddie gets me gaia cash cardz. lol lol lol jealousy! like all yall haterz. plz hunny stop hatin cuz yall hate all da time.!!!! some yall know who yah r so stop biichin. Cuz Kira and i think yall haterz r so Wack! ne way 6 year old Laura Shez so funnii 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh i heart her so much and shes so cute. oh idea ha bday ish agust 12th. I watched all dem get born da only one i dint see get born is my fuccin self. rofl but wow my life iz awesome plz dont hate biggrin biggrin biggrin last my twinz oh so cute sibz moniequa dats not how u spell it it is how you spell it but she likes it spelled dat way wink wink wink oh and shantay shanay she likes to be called and moni get along so well. dey cuties and daey love chickie chezzz =0 =0 =0 not surpirseing for 2 fantic 3 year oldz... anyway i loe my 7 bedroom house so coolio dont wish yu were me h4t3rz peace my haterz!!! =) love yall 3nodding heart heart stare