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FABAM and other stuff
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And Guess what
It wasnt even in photoshop.
Pretty good if you ask me. Corel painter, Tablet but no pressure sensitivity. I think looks great for no Pressure Sensitivity. Got some issues with my mac and my tablet, gotta find out why it doesn't let me do pressure. Blarg
I had the hair down but then messed up and cannot find the brush now XD We'll see, gotta finish the eyes and the hair. The lip is pouty, i need to not make them that way. BOOO. But i'm happy, because i finally got closer to what i wanted to be doing.....

Life is pretty great, I havent updated in a while, and wont for a while since my subscription will be up. Should I resubscribe? Maybe, we'll see.
So it's been good. Working at Forever 21, Chopped off all my blond hair. I start make-up school in January and I submitted my Columbia Art College Application.

My children books are going well, I found a publisher, so we'll see.

Gained a lot of weight, a little depressed, but it's my fault cause i havent been taking meds for my Hallucinations XD I see him soon again, he'll be mad. Rofl.

Dating Jon and I really like it. Very sweet, works a lot, has a BGA. He's 25, kinda old, but has a new house, so i'm not complaining. Hhaha.

Still being kinda stalked. Dont know what to do at this point. I changed my DA, My screens names. He found My DA. Says it on my tracker. I think at this point I need to actually do something cause it's getting Dangerous.

In September I may move in with Jon, were talking about a place in Chicago so I can finish schooling. Kind of mad the Chicago Theater has not e-mailed me back. Grr.

I dont talk to luke much though he calls 7 times a day =/ very annoying.

Chinchilla has an eye infection
all for now
