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The Adventures of Stuffinator123, Handsoffgucci, and Their NPC Friends
I am the Mage and Handsoffgucci is the Rogue and the other npcs vary depeneding on who is in the party.
Cliques (poem)

A clique is like a pack of wolves
You anger one person, you anger the whole pack
All the pack are connected
Soon every animal in the forest will hate you
And attack you on the spot
leaving no survivors

That is to say the leader is not always the meanest wolf
I was just walking though the forest when I saw her
The meanest wolf.
Teeth bared, she attacked with one reason
To kill the rival who she thought was a competitor
For she had mangy fur and her home was in ruins
She attacked.

I tried to defend with comeback sticks
But the stick turned into twigs at her touch
Even though I hit her square in the head
And it just made her more angry

She howled for the pack and I ran
I eventually ran up a hill
But the pack surrounded me
And bit me

One by one each biting with a more foul venom than the next
"You are nothing."
"No one cares what you think."
"You are alone."
And it hurt.

A miracle appeared
My best friend, the Druid of the Forest, came to my aid.
She transformed into a dove and healed some of my wounds
"I am here for you."
"You are not alone."
"You are special."

With the last healing they started attacking her
With the same words they were attacking me with
But I had gained more power
And I was the Mage of the Forest
I had healed enough so that I could control the elements

Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water
Earth for Strength
Wind for Speed
Fire for Spirit
And Water for Smarts

I opened a portal
The portal that went straight to detention
And I first grabbed the leader
And I put her there
And almost every wolf ran away
Because without their leader
They thought they were nothing
Except for one.

The meanest wolf Turned into a ferocious dragon
And turned to a threatening posture
But then my friend the Druid
Said one phrase
That sent the teachers coming
She said, "Leave her alone!"

And with that one phrase they came
And gave us special comeback swords
To fight back
For this battle was no longer in their power
And they could not control the dragon
So we fought.

When the dragon breathed fire, we put the fire out with words of water wisdom
When she scratched, we flew away at the speed of wind
When she stomped, we put the rose thorns from the giant roses of science class
and dragged them under her feet.

Lastly, we used fire to deal the final blow
We used her fiery words to open the portal to detention
And the swords blazed with fire as we believed in ourselves
And we forced her through the portal
And in time, the dragon turned back into a wolf
And found a better home
And groomed herself thoroughly
And she had learned her lesson.

The Druid of the Forest and the Mage of the Forest
Went back home on the bus
And played video games together all day
And in the morning they got back on the bus
And went back to the forest of school
with merry thoughts and simple pleasures