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Hi there party people! I have a lot to enter today, but first, let's start with my promise for the night: I, nikkyp533, promise to enter, for my first entry, funny things only. Now let's start!

Ok, so i was on my computer and my cat ran through the door and ran right into my foot! How cute! heart

Again, I was on gaia and my cats on my desk, right? So my dog walks in and my cat freaks out! My dog jumps on my desk so I have to stop playing. I try to get my dog off but she's too strong! So my cat runs out and i'm still trying to get my dog off the desk so i'm holding reeeaaaal tight. And my dog takes off after the cat with me holding on.And then, my cat stops then my dog stops and i was just on the floor so i let go and slide through the hall and, thank god, don't hit anything. I was mad but i got over it. (But it was kinda fun) blaugh

Well, hope you liked my first entry! Merry late christmas!

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