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The Adventures of Stuffinator123, Handsoffgucci, and Their NPC Friends
I am the Mage and Handsoffgucci is the Rogue and the other npcs vary depeneding on who is in the party.
JW Excerpt From Post
To all who need a worker,

I am a writer mainly, but I can also make Dream Avatars for you and your buddies. I can't bump posts because I don't know how, and I can't fish because I usually get guppies and such, but I can also collect flowers, trash, and bugs. My real occupation is an evolving item collector, and here's an excerpt from my profile about my evolving item career.

Ok so I am an evolving item collector right? So I'm scrambling to get money. Here's the item:

Alruna's Rose
Dream Avatar:
User Image
Cost:1,253,231 Gold
Money Now:18,152 Gold since last update
Need:1,235,079 Gold

First Item: Alruna's Rose 2nd Generation #1
Cost of the Item:91,111 Gold
Gold:18,152 Gold
Need:72,959 Gold

Therefore, I need 72,959 gold to get my first item, Alruna's Rose 2nd Generation. Just remember, this is only the first item on my list.

Writer and Criticizer

Some examples of my writing are found in my journal. Here is a review for EI's for November and October.
Evolving Item Review for October-November

Many new items have come this fall, including Jinxi's Charm, Infernal Spirit, and the Changling Babies. Let's go over them one by one.

Jinxi's Charm 1st & 2nd Generations

To start off, Jinxi's charm was a great first generation. Sure, it was only two items, but the doll was cute and creepy at the same time, good for girls and boys. The poses were also super, as you could put the doll almost anywhere in any hand. And there was also a little heart you could sew on your shirt/jacket that was also creepy/cute.
The problem was the second generation. The doll part didn't even work for me, so I could only use the two handed poses (is it a glitch or is it?). True they had the heart but this time they had a little pin in it. Which took off the cute part and just put creepy. Same with the two handed dolls. It's worse enough that you can't hold it with one hand, but now they have pins so that they take out the cute part too stressed . The hat was good, but it didn't go with any apparent theme and eventually it got boring in my opinion. There was a funny blinded effect the hat had with another pose, but if you wanted to see your eyes you really would have one pose, which is good for a hat. Overall, stupendus 1st generation, stupid 2nd.

Infernal Spirit 1st Generation

This one has a thrilling backstory that does not give anything away like for instance Jinxi's Charm. It also has few items, as all 1st generations will. But MANY MANY MANY MANY poses xd . You can put the scroll or the little ball of fire in various places. The ball of fire we think is supposed to be the one handed and the scroll can either go one handed or can LOOK two handed. Because it's so wide it's one of those items which it looks like the other hand is gripping even though the other hand is not holding the paper, which is very clever. Kind of like the POPSTAR guitar that came out last month. A very good item, but will the 2nd generation be as good?

Changling Babies

This one came by two, boy and girl. Forgive my language, but these items are both very GAY. Sure, for girls it is a formidable item, but for boys? No. It probably looks way too weird. For almost all of elementary school I have been with a class of all boys. As the song goes, I know what boys like. They probably would not like this. The good points, however, are that this gives many items including an African-American baby and a wig/pin/IDK that removes almost all of your hair and makes you look bald sweatdrop . Okay, I didn't say the items were all good, but the babies come in a good amount of poses, including one-handed amd two-handed. I will say that some pictures give us a worthy hint of what's to come, a changling baby that's actually a changling. The baby was in all black in the picture with grey skin, pointed ears, and red eyes, making it less girly. There may be hope for this one yet.


There we have it, a cheesy voo-doo doll, a spirit who's made of fire, and a GAY *cough cough* set of babies. Let's see what's here next month, shall we?


When I create dream avatars I ask for a couple of details you should put in:

Face: Looks like me/Wing it
Hair: Mine/Wing it
Specific Hair Goes Here(optional):
Clothes: Themed/Cosplay/Wing it
Specific Clothes Go Here(optional):
Theme of Clothes(optional):
Cosplay Picture/Character(optional):
Specific the Items You Want(optional):

Just copy, paste, and edit it to your liking. Here are some examples of my Tektek work:
User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image


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When collecting items I personally don't care but the writing jobs and Tekteking jobs have to be at least more than 500g per job. Or, if you REALLY like my work, you can give me the evolving item I am trying to get.

Stuffinator123 xd