wOw i havent even put any thought into this thing since 10 days b4 my birthday...
well i was thinking last night.What would happen to the world is oprah died.So then i thought "well the world would probably go into chaos" i mean like if oprah didnt exist like 300 people wouldnt have cars and millions of little girls in africa wouldnt have a school and millions of people would have no idea why poop is so important(becuz of doctor oz) and even more people would be homeless and without food and its amazing how the world would have cahnged if oprah didnt exist.If oprah died there would be millions of fat people crying beacause oprah didnt have the time to take care of them and there would be a total 24 hour news broadcast on her death.And so i thought some more and i thought well what if elvis never lived.who would be the king of rock n roll?whos house would graceland be since it wasnt his.who would his wife end up marring? and so i thought even farther back in time.A big question:Whould the world still be in darkness if einstein never lived?Would we even have technology?What would modern society be like?What would happen if the all the planets didnt collide in the beginning of time? what would nighttime be like if we didnt have the moon?What planet would we live on if we had to evacuate?what does the center of the earth really look like?if we could live without food and water how would life be affected?If everyone was immortal would the world be superlyoverpopulated?if blood was the color blue would our vains be red?if we didnt have to poop or pee where would our waste come out of?if the world was ruled by apes and rapists would we positivly have a mass suicide of people?if the moon collided with earth what part of earth would be destroyed?if the earth never existed what would it be like no living things to be found...? who could keep track of such a thing if theres not a living thing to do it?Thank you for reading all my questions.If anyone would like to try to answer one of these questions im seting up a forum for it.
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