chapter 1 childhood
When I was about 13 I had allmost compleated my training to become a ninja (In the Zazuki village only about 5 out of 100 students became full fledge Ninja the rest failed) and I had many so called "friends" and girls forever head over heals in love with me,but only one true friend who stuck with me through the good and the bad. his name is atorie and is to this day like a brother to me and a trusted adviser. even though I did not have a father, my mother did her best to raise me with the help of a family friend Arue. Arue had been my father's friend and adviser till the day he died. life was good back then, there was no poverty,every thing ran in a I scach your bach you scrach mine kind of way. this worked untill one man got greedy and sparked a war. senice I was nearly a Ninja I decided to help the guards quell this uproar.....looking back on it I wish I haden't.......................