Grace hasn't become as popular of a character as Shadow or Moki or even Cherry but she is my main character so I figure if Shadow has a section in my journal so shall Grace.
I'm Sorry (an Early letter Grace wrote to Shadow)
Dear Shadow, I'm sorry about the way we always fight. I'm sorry that the fights are always my fault and I understand if you think I'm the most spoiled horrible brat in the whole world...I now see that, that's probably the most correct statement anyone has ever made about me. I'm sorry that I never showed you how much I actually care about all the pain you must feel. I regret dragging you with me every where I go even if you obviously didn't want to come. I understand that you hate me but I'm sorry, because I can't ever hate you. Sincerely, Grace Sterling (Sterling was Grace's original family name before they became royals)

To Late "Maybe its to late to feel remorse. Maybe I just have to move on. Should I just say I don't care. But I love him. It doesn't matter. Yes. No. Yes. No... To many much to much to gain? Suspicious or just overcautious? Don't tell me it's to late...but it is...But is to late. And I know it's my fault.

Over and Over "I try to tell myself that your not the one. Love can't exist in this world. a cold heart can not love and a cold body can not feel. Death doesn't deserve kindness as kindness doesn't deserve death. But then I met you. Over and Over I try to tell myself that your not real that your not the one I love. Over and over I try not to fall for you. But then I realize that your my contradiction." ~Grace

Letter of war Dear Mistress Grace, We are sorry to inform you that last night (April 18, 1920) A raid attacked your fathers camp kill him and your fiance' Ren Redmoon. You have our sincerest apologies. Sincerly, General Fang
XAngelicShadowXX · Tue Sep 30, 2008 @ 11:34pm · 1 Comments |