After reading "Zen in The Art of Writing" by Ray Bradbury, a series of essays on writing, I now sat down and made a little personal essay too.
-----Art cannot exist in a vacuum. This is an eternal fact that has been told over and over again. In the art form of creative writing, this is doubly true. Without interaction, without touching the webbing of social experience, your prose can simply dry up. I spent a summer staring at a little blinking cursor on my computer screen most of the time when I tried to write. Oh, I would have the occasional inspiration from a book, a song or an experience that I would quickly jot down, but it never yielded more than half a page to three-quarters of a page each time. I think I wrote a total of maybe three pages this summer. Now, my third day (more like second becoming third) I woke up in the middle of the night and starting writing. On my break at school I wrote most of this, then continued it at home. The third day of college, and I?m already ostracizing my friends by shoving on my earphones and writing away when people are talking happily. Oh well, most of them are used to it. Simply being in the presence of so many people, each with their own lives, own stories, own passions and hopes and reams is inspiring. Completely different from an internet interaction (like?Gaia for instance?) where you do not have the ability to read someone?s body language, tell the feelings from the way they act, not only feel. Complex and telling language only goes so far, and then comes the instinctive reading of another person.
-----Now try and guess why I want to live in the city.
Nihilistic Seraph · Wed Aug 31, 2005 @ 10:51pm · 2 Comments |