In this chapter Shadow's stubborn side is really bugging Grace but she has some playful tricks up her sleeve. Don't forget to check out the extra mini story i put on the bottom of the page. ^_^
Chapter 3: Thank you Shadow Grace woke up with a start. She wasn’t cold like she expected. She heard snoring and turned over to see Shadow sleeping on the floor. Grace was on a large bed.
On further inspection Grace realized she was in a large room. The room lead off to a bathroom full of marble and a kitchen with granite counter tops.
“This must be Shadow’s apartment. I must of fallen asleep in the snow and he brought me here…. Shadow…”
Grace sighed and laid back down. “I was so thirsty… Was it just the smell of blood? Or are my vampire instincts acting up again…?”
Shadow began to move and Grace closed her eyes tightly. She didn’t want him to know she had woken up.
Shadow stood up and stretched. He was still wearing his black jeans and red jacket. His Jeans were soaked through with snow along with his jacket.
“She is still asleep…..I guess she is still tired from last night…Oh well.” Shadow shrugged and went to the kitchen. He turned on the coffee pot then opened the front door and grabbed the Saturday paper.
Shadow sat on the edge of the bed and flipped open the paper. Grace sat up and looked at him.
“You killed someone didn’t.”
Shadow didn’t seem surprised by Grace’s voice. “I drank the blood of the cab driver. I killed no one. You drank his blood to. You just don’t remember. You rarely ever do.”
Grace wincer and crawled to the foot of the bed and sat down. “Shadow how did you save me.”
Shadow closed the paper and sat it down. “It’s my job. I’m your guardian. Can’t let your father down now can I? Besides. I couldn’t just let you freeze that would be cruel.”
“Yes but father didn’t like you remember?” Grace laughed.
“That’s because he thinks I hurt you.” Shadow stood up and walked over to a chair on the other side of the room. He sat down and glared at Grace.
“Anyway, Grace the accident was on the news already. The cab driver is dead and no one saw us get on so no one knows of us.”
Grace nodded. “Let’s keep it that way. You can’t keep killing club girls. That’s why we had to leave China…”
Shadow glared at Grace. “You always did talk to much….”
Grace sat back hurt. She got up and grabbed her bag and stomped to the bathroom to get dressed and clean. “Stupid Boys!!”
Shadow rolled his eyes and drank his coffee. “A thank you Shadow would of worked just the same…”
Grace starred at herself in the mirror. Her image continued to fade in and out. She splashed cold water on her face and her image became fully solid again.
Grace sighed and turned the nozzle of the shower to cold and quickly jumped in. She left the cold water flow. Grace looked back up at a large mirror that was in the shower. The image didn’t fade like before.
“Shadow must have given me some blood from the cab driver after all… I can’t ever remember…”
Grace washed her hair then got out of the shower rapped tightly in a towel. She pulled on a black, comfortable dress and brushed through her wet hair. Grace closer her eyes and concentrated and when she opened them again she saw she had brown hair and green eyes.
Grace packed all of her stuff in her bag again and walked back out. Shadow paid no attention to Grace’s change. Grace sighed and shoved her bag under the bed the went over to Shadow placing her hand firmly on his shoulder
Grace closed her eyes and Shadow groaned. When Grace took her hand off of Shadow and opened her eyes she smiled.
Shadow had black hair and brown eyes. He was grimacing which just added to his sinister look. He glared back and Grace who just smiled back.
“Thank you Shadow… For being human and staying with me. You truly are my guardian angel.”
Shadow picked up the paper again without saying a word. He was secretly smiling behind the paper. “I told you not to call me that.” Shadows voice has a smile in it.
Grace laughed then jumped up onto the bed. She was starring out the window on the other wall. The sun was rising and the snow had left a blanket of white every where. Grace grinned then fell back on her pillow. “I love London…”
Opon a hill she stood. Perfectly still. Rain fell and she didn't seem to care. She stood starring at a window. behind the window was her one and only love. He smiled happily at his parents before heading to bead. a tear fell from the girls cheek. "I died to soon. Now the same fait shall befall those who love as well." That is the story of the Reaper girl who died before she admitted her feelings....
XAngelicShadowXX · Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 10:34pm · 0 Comments |