Everything written in this story is based on my characters Shadow and Grace. The main thing to keep in mind is that this story does not follow Meeting of Destiny. The only thing thats the same is the relationships and the places they go. The only characters in this story are mine. Thanks for reading this introduction.
Chapter 1
“Shadow we will miss the train!” The girls voice carried through the train station. People starred at the odd girl with awe and amazement.
A boy who appeared 3 years older then her walked over to her. He was also at least 4 inches taller then her. His hair was a silver, white coloring. The girl had much whiter hair then he.
“Grace no need to worry. The train isn’t leaving for another 10 minutes.” The boy placed his hand on her head as if to pet her. He just left it there and bent down to look her in the eyes.
The girl gulped and looked away and the boys hand fell. “Alright….”
The boy smiled satisfied and walked away both hands in his black jean pockets. The dark blood red jacket he wore was a major contrast to his hair. A small girl lead by her mother yelled “monster.” Once when she saw him then for some reason went completely silent.
The girl who accompanied this boy punched him in the arm hard. “Shadow no M-A-G-I-C on humans….” The girl was attracting much more stares.
She wore a completely white dress and her white hair was long enough to reach the small of her back. Her eyes were a dark ocean blue. “Please don’t ruin this for me… When we get on the train I’m making us appear human.”
Shadow shook his head. “People will notice if we don’t get off the train. You can change our appearances yet. Wait until we get to London.”
A loud train whistle sounded and Grace grabbed Shadow’s arm and tugged him along onto the train. Grace ran all the way to the back of the train in nothing flat. She moved much faster then a normal human would and Shadow has no problem keeping up.
The two silently entered their own booth closing the door behind them. Shadow closed two red curtains until they coved the glass door to their booth and then did the same to the window until the only think lighting the room was an light bulb the glowed yellow on the ceiling.
Grace sighed and laid down on the long seat opposite to the one Shadow now sat on. “When do you think we will be able to stop moving like this?”
Shadow’s face went from serious to menacing. “Until the humans stop investigating each mysterious death.”
The girl moaned and sat up again. “Honestly Shadow if you didn’t loose it all the time and bite those people we wouldn’t have to move so much!” ‘ The boy glared his eyes flashing from their normal black color to a horrible red. “Shut up! You wouldn’t even understand you’re not a pure blood!”
The girls mouth clamped shut. She frowned the laid back down closing her eyes. She rolled over on the bed like chair. “Sorry Shadow…”
Silence drifted through the cabin and eventually Grace fell asleep…
XAngelicShadowXX · Tue Jul 15, 2008 @ 09:09am · 0 Comments |