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The Life of a Maidan
The days pass. Things change. One crys, One laughs. One grows.
The Begining of the Begining
When I awoke this day, I should have known something was up. For one thing, there were no noises from the monkeys (a.k.a) the siblings. For another, I was up to my neck in dirt. Needless to say, I very much freaked out.

After recovering, and making sure no one had witnessed my little, loss of composure, I studied my surroundings. It didn't have much use, though, as I was currently lying in the middle of a compltely unfamilar dirt road, surrounded by unfamiliar trees, with the odd bush, here and there.

Where in Gaia was I?

Current mood: scream

Emerald Maidan
Community Member
Emerald Maidan
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  • [06/28/08 03:05am]