For once life seems to be going really well for me. School will be out in about 3 days, then summer! Finally, some time to sleep in! biggrin And this weekend is goign to be really fun. One of my friends bday is this weekend so we are throughing him a suprise party type thing, and we are going to get him really good with the gag gift and card we got him. the graduation, which is kinda sad because that means my friends are leaving, but that is the beging of graduation parties. It is going to be so much fun. cool
heart So i know have one of the most wonderful boyfriends ever! He is really sweet.This summer we are going to have so much fun together.We are planning on going to all kinds of concerts.We are also planning on going to see Rocky horror live as well. Then Us and a few friends are going to go to Ceder Point. heart
So about my Ceder Point excitment... whee
I just recently whent there for the first time with my choir. And i LOVED it. I was pretty proud of myself for riding the rollercoasters i did. The first one i had ever been on was the Milliume force. Even thought the first drop almost killed my throut, i really liked it.
Oh and i thought i should add, right know i am getting along with all my friends really well. just the typical stupid things that hapen between friends. but most of that will come to an end know that school is out. Yay! It is so nice to say i am not fighting with any one! 3nodding
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