crying We're over now!
crying It's okay I guess... But, school is over now. I passed 8th grade. I passed the French Credit Exam with a 77.8.
smile It's my early b-day party today. Tomorrow is my birthday!
blaugh 3nodding I'll be 14, finally!
rofl I think I'm a better writer now. I'm trying harder now. I attempted to join a writing contest. But I ditched that idea once I learned that we had to read out loud, and hell will freeze over before I do that.
rolleyes Other than that, this week was so dramatic at school.
I had a pretty good Monday morning when two black 7th grade girls had a fight in the morning. It was a pretty good fight. My math teacher tried to stop it and she ended up getting hit too. lol. She went home because her blood pressure was too high, she was so angry.
That afternoon my bf broke up with me. That screwed up my day.
sweatdrop But after that, we got french food in 6th hour. It was good!
Wednesday, my ex got in a fight--well, not really a fight. He beat the kid up and he didn't even get a hit. He got exspelled. The kid had a broken nose, concussion, black eye, and a split lip.
eek Today, I gained confidence in myself about boys.
blaugh My guy friend, Scotty, actually eats after me. He takes bites outta my food. LOL.
I had an okay week. Blake spoiled it a bit. But I'm alright.