TAKE IT!!!!! I DARE you to!lolz xp What Dot Hack GU Character are you? My Results:

Atoli Well you turned out to be Atoli, loves animals, not very confrontational, but if you must you will fight. But you prefer to stay back and help those you fight along side.
Yea, so nothing interesting really happened today except for my scanner is finally working again which makes me happy, and I got to upload some more of my art unto my deviantart. And I got my Katori picture back from Rin, and I got her art she wanted me to put up for her. xp Yea, it's been pretty good....So far anywayz. xp Oh and I'm currently listening to music from I-Poood and Stacy's ringer. xp And....I think that's about it for today. xp So, I'll leave you with this since I'm probably boring you by now with my rambling on about my life.lolz So TTYLZ!!!^^
kyeira chan · Tue Apr 22, 2008 @ 01:26am · 0 Comments |