Conversation in the Wee Hours of the Morning... |
Ok, for starters, Dice and I were farting around on gaia late at night and totally brain dead. What do we happen to come across? A girl complaining that her mom makes her wear diapers because she is to lazy to get up and go to the bathroom, so she holds it until she craps on herself. Naturally, Dice and I flamed her. A lot. However, I must admit I did not expect her to then PM me and complain about me flaming her, display a picture of the diapper worn, and attempt to get my pitty in such n00bish ways that I now feel compeled to display them in my journal just to show the extent of my apathy. 3nodding
SabrinaXmoon Rren SabrinaXmoon Rren SabrinaXmoon Rren SabrinaXmoon  look....how would you like to have to wear THAT? and those arent even the diapers stare see its not very funy is it? stare Yeah, actually, I think it is pretty damn funny. I'm sorry, is that a lump I see? Looks like its time for you to go change yourself... or does a family member do it for you? OMG STHUUTP I DIDNT POOP!!!!!!!!!!! I USUALY CHCANGE MYSELF TOO scream scream You sure? Because something is starting to stink. Perhaps its the scent of attention whore, mixed with that of n00bage, but I could be mistaken... You change yourself? Oh what a big girl you are! Next step: potty training! Again! Because it obviously didn't work the first time. WTF i dont need potty traning!!!!1 Look, kid, if you don't know when you need to get up to use the bathroom to the point you crap on yourself, you definately need to be potty trained again. Don't worry, they write books on how to use the bathroom. My little sister had them when she was about three years old and we were potty training her. So help is out there, don't worry. Now please, stop digging your hole deeper, or I will be forced to taunt you further by asking you what brand of baby powder you use. I AM POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!! and SHUTUP about the baby power scream
At this point I decided that my brain could no longer come up with good insults, because, well, I would end up making the same jokes and sounding equally as n00bish as the n00b. Which would be bad.
At the same time, the following conversations occured on AIM. Yes, they are random and most definately PG-13. No, I do not have a brain at this point.
CrystalBlack87: I'm going to get up and use the bathroom so that I don't wet myself and have my mom put me on diappers, ok? CrystalBlack87: Brb Teh Rini: I'm gonna copy you and go piss in the toliet CrystalBlack87: Sounds good. CrystalBlack87: Try standing up; it's fun. Teh Rini: no it's not CrystalBlack87: Sure it is. CrystalBlack87: You just have to calculate angles. CrystalBlack87: And hope for the best.... Teh Rini: I've done it, damn truck stop bathrooms... Teh Rini: put a fruit loop in the toliet and AIM CrystalBlack87: lmao CrystalBlack87: Through what, a funnel? Teh Rini: Sure, why not?
... Yeah. I know. We're idiots. See Dice's journal for further idiocy. 3nodding
Destiny Tahn · Thu Aug 04, 2005 @ 06:19am · 4 Comments |