name:Grace Species:Vampiress age:looks 17 (really 105) gender:female info: her best friend and possible love if she knew what it was is Shadow. Hangs out with a two souled demon named Yuna or did. She loooooved Shadow! (see Rp page click here spot in family or friends: main character (me) picture:
 Grace in Human form:
 Grace in Trace:

Name: Shadow Species: Vampire/ angel age: (looks 15) really 108 gender: male info: Grew up alone until Finding Grace wondering around blood deprived and ill. Travels with Grace everywhere. He really cares about Grace but he is to stubborn to show it so he acts cocky. place in family: best friends and boyfriend pic:
 Shadow and Grace (both in human form)
 Another Shadow pic:

Name: Twilight Species: Vampire/ Witch Age: (Looks 15) Is really 99 Gender:female info: Grace's half sister. Her mom was Muri and her dad is thought to be a soceror due to the fact she is great with magic. Family: Half Sister Pic:

Name: Rose Species: Vampiress Age (looks 15) really 98 gender: female info: Long lost and hate full twords her family she is Grace's long lost sister but Grace is who she hates the most. She blames grace for her becoming a vampire against her wishes. Grace wishes to seek out Rose. family: sister pic:

 Human form

Name: Ren Species: Demon/ Vampire age: (looks 16) really 260 gender: male info: killed in war was suppose to marry Grace to create an alliance between kingdoms. was Grace's first true love. Family: ex fiance' pic:
 Grace and Ren

Name: James Species: demon/ vampire Age: 35 (last seen) gender: male info: Was Grace's Father was the one to introduce Grace to Ren. Died at war along side Ren. was originally King before eloping with Grace's mother Family: father pic:

Name: Muri Species: Vampire Age: 32 gender: female info: Grace's mother gave birth to three Children (Rose first, then Grant, then Grace) Ran away once the war began whereabouts unknown Family: Mother pic:

Name: Grant Species: Demon Age: looks 14 (really 101) Gender: male info: Fought in the war with his Father and Grace's Fiance'. went missing (Grace searched 4 years due to her closeness with him. never found. He is suspected of running away with Grace's mother Family: Brother pic:
Human forms:



XAngelicShadowXX · Wed Mar 26, 2008 @ 05:36am · 1 Comments |