boysen paints was one of the most boysen product as we all know, boysen offers variety of products that as there new product, that they presented to us the decore, which the paint itself is an easthetic. it gives an easthetic beauty. it is a water based decorative paint that stimulates complex texture and a distinctive finish with a european touch. it is available in 10 different colors. each color can be achieve by a adding the corresponding color toner into base #4610 and then stirr it manually until the consistent uniform color is achieved. prefferably, it is used in interior of the building because of its property, water -based paint. the color can be applied. boysen roofgard. it is a gloss acrylic, water based roof paint. it is fast drying, gives a durable and flexible film and maintains good gloss retention. it is primary used in galvanized iron surfaces, pre-painted galvaniezed sheets, asbestos cement panels and unglazed tiles.it can be applied using a paint brush, a roller or a airless spray. boysen acqua epoxy. a two-component water-based acrylic epoxy paint which has superior chemical solvent and stain resistance ideal for concrete floors and properly primed metal surfaces. it is an acrylic water based epoxy paint with the high performance environment-friendly paint with combined epoxy chemical resistance and urethane like durability. it is ideally used for concrete flooring, masonry walls and as a topcoat for properly primed metal. it has an advantage of easier application and better weather resistance properties. boysen masonry putty. boysen masonry putty #7311 is a ready mixed water-borne acrylic based masonry putty. it is intended for latex paint application. it serves to correct and fill-up minor surface defects. it is best applied over new and previously painted exterior and interior masonry and fiber cement boards.
boysen permacoat is used for interior and exterior surfaces. it is an acrylic paint that is odorless, non toxic, non flamable,with outstanding color retention. it contains the best fungicide to prevent earl mildew growth. it is dried to a semi- gloss finish and makes dirt, dust and other matter harder to stick. there arew different colors to choose from. it can be also combined BOYSEN MULTI-FLECK#2400 IS A WALLPAPER ALTERNATIVE. it is a technecolor paint that ingeniously affords the decorator the styling element of pattern. it is used superior for exterior and interior wood and metal surfaces. it is more economicel than the wallpaper, it is easier to apply, and it does not peel or crack. it hides wall imperfections very well and can aesily be repaired. it has 20 basic color combinations. it can be spraye applied on almost any subtrate and over any type of paint. boysen primeguard #4310 is a water-based acrylic maintenance primer designed to have a excellent adhesion and metal passivation. it is used where superior protection and good adhesion on hard-to-adhere metal surfaces is desired. it eliminates the need for a vinyl butyral wash primer tie coat.
thier are other pruducts like boysen acrytex, permafill, wallgauard, and plexibond.
aside from thier products, they give us a background on what are the common troubles regading on paints. these were efflorescence, mildew, chalking fading blistering, cracking, corrosion and peeling.
ajco · Tue Mar 18, 2008 @ 12:10pm · 0 Comments |