My sickness has gone worse. I hate it. My intestines are full, so they might explode. So all my body might get full of posion. And we all know what posion can do...None of the medicine works anymore. I cant do much about it. Im going to the doctor again tommorw. This is the wost i have even been. Not many people know cause i dont fell like saying much. This is nothing. Its worse. Just dont fell like saying much cause then i get the whole drama queen thing. Well anyway. At the moment im in second semsester foods. Aka, home ec. I like it, we made muffins today. Im sitting at table number three, and im the third person on the roll call, and im just lucky #3. I just thought that was pretty awesome. So i thought i saw that. Well laters.
Charmed_3 · Wed Jul 27, 2005 @ 05:28am · 4 Comments |