So, as you can see from my signature, I'm trying to raise gold for my cool (but secret) cosplay idea. (I don't want any copycats; hence the lack of information about it.) In order to make sure it'll be awesome as heck, I started tinkering around in tektek, experimenting with the different items and such: at first I naively thought I'd need about 53k; then 58k. Then 68.
Until, that is, I took a closer look at some of my reference images and realized that there was one little item I was missing. (Figures.) So I add it to my dream avi, hit the "Save" button, and sit back to see how many thousands of gold I would need now. I almost had a heart attack. "What??? 800,000 gold for that thing?!! DAHHHH!!"
After I finally recovered ("800,000..." Twitch. Twitch) I thought to myself, "Well, it's not THAT bad. You could be trying for an Angelic Scarf or something like that after all." And I might not end up using it; it would just add that little extra something that says, "Yes, I did my research for this here costume play. So stand back and be amazed, puny mortals!"
Anyhow, cheers! Hopefully I will achieve my cosplay goal sometime before I croak. (Or before I get tired of Gaia. Whichever comes first.) And I might change it around again and discover yet more things I need to add, so we'll see. smile
r_s_boston Community Member |
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