Yep this is our first online journal. So whut should we right in here Tiera?
...How should I know Bubblez? There's just too much to say, about to day.
Yeah there ish too much to say about today!lolz
Like how we jioned the Akatsuki thanx to Gekiddo!
Yep! 3nodding
And how I'm even closer To my older brother...Hiedan. stare
Yep. 3nodding And how we met all of teh Akatsuki, and Tobi ish teh nicest to us so far! whee
Yea.....The 'nicest'..... stare It's probably because he likes one of us or something. And deosn't Tobi love everyone like you?
Bubblez don't know. Probably. whee
stare ....Eh, what ev. We better get back to the guys before they have a hissy fit.....
Yeah, we probably should. But Bubblez, going to paint my side of room again!
......Oh to joyous.......... stare
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Bubblez, and Teira'z Life