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User Image Walls around my heart that can't be knocked down by force, but of pure love.
Random Prologue. What do you think? Need advice
Alright, I was bored on my bus and I couldn't help but imagine up a scene. And I just HAAAAAAAAAAAAAD to type it down. So I would hope that you would take your time, read it, and hopefully put a comment so I know what you thought of it.....alright?
Forever yours,
Captain Noya

Black Sea.
Part one

I could never forget the day when I first met her. First layed my eyes on her for the very first time.

It was the 1st day of the summer time, sailing out in the deep blue seas. I wouldn’t be able to describe in how blue the sea was, or how hot that day was to all of us.

I was up at the main deck, tending to the sail rope lines to make sure each and every one of them was secure since the other crewmates of mine has just finished unrolling them so we could get some wind power. That was when it all came to happen.

Out of the blue, I began to see my crewmembers going to one edge of the ship, peering out into the sea in one huge group. As curious as I may be, I walked over to the rest to join them and figure out what the entire hush bush was. “What’s going on?” I asked them. One of them turned around, one I have gotten to know as Mister Kato. “If you are truly that blind Mister Galrig,” He began in his most snobby voice; [He always uses a snobby voice, thinking he is so smart compared to the rest of us. He considers us just bags of garbage with no standards except sailing this ship. Yea right.] “There is a dark ship ahead, black sails.” He answered me. My eyebrows rose at his words. Black sails? I have never set my eyes on a black sails before, or even heard it being mentioned. I thought to myself.

Blue eyes scanning I cupped my hand over my eyes to blot out the sun’s rays, I looked out to the horizon, trying to see what everyone else was seeing. And sure enough, there it was, only at least by two or three miles off in this very direction was the black ship with black sails. I couldn’t help but gape at this sight, not believing my very own eyes.

When I finally resumed back to my normal state I looked around, seeing the group of crewmembers separating as they came to full attention. I only then quickly turned around myself, raising my hand on my forehead in salute as we watched our Captain, Jay D. Mattawan, making his way onto the deck. The Captains green stares rested on each one of us with the most serious face ever could be imagined. I never once have ever seen him smile in any way. His stare then finally left us as it went to the sea behind us, starring towards the ship that we were all gawking at. “What is this?” He asked all of us. And as usual, Mister Kato stepped up hand still on his forehead. “Sir! It is a ship sir! But we all are one hundred percent sure that it is no navy ship sir! Most likely as a Pirate ship sir!” he said in full attention, sucking up as always to the captain. This forced me to roll my eyes in annoyance at his common actions and then continued to stand still like the rest.

I could then begin to see as the Captain’s eyes became to narrow as he glared out to the mysterious ship. “How dare he sail his ship in my waters!” He said with such distaste in his throat. With the bad bile that rose in his mouth, he spat it out into the sea as if he was making a mocking motion towards the intruder. “Mister Kato!” he called, grabbing his attention back. Captain Jay placed his hands behind his back as he made his way back towards his cabin, not even looking at him. “I trust that you will get every man on this ship with sword and gun in hand, ready to fight.” He ordered. Mister Kato gave the Captain a confused look at this sudden order. As if the Captain could sense his confusion, he then yelled out his final words before he walked into his room. “We fight Mister Kato, we fight.” He answered and then shut his door behind him, leaving them all to get ready. My eyes widen at this sudden order and I looked around, noticing that the other crewmembers were looking around in confusion as well, even Mister Kato.

After a few seconds of confusion Mister Kato cleared his throat, fixing the collar of his shirt around his throat as he then gave everyone an orderly glare. “You heard the Captain! Get your Asses to the quarters and grab your weapons! Be ready in 5 minutes or less!” He ordered and then walked off, head held high in pride for being in charge for this as he strode across the deck, giving each one of us a watchful glare. No one even dared to just stand around like a couple of baboons. They left the work they were at and rushed down towards the weaponry quarters to grab what they needed. I didn’t hesitate as well, not wanting to get Mister Kato’s or worse, Captain Jay’s wrath if I stood around acting like I didn’t know what to do. But the problem was, I don’t know what to do. Well, I knew what to do, but in battle wise, no idea. I have just joined this crew a couple months ago and during that stay, we have never gone in battle. Not once. I only sagged my shoulders with a sigh, continuing on with the orders. I didn’t want to look like a fool or a weakling around everyone. Nope, not if it met my life. Besides, this could give me the chance to prove to the crew, and even the Captain, that I wasn’t as weak as I seem to appear as.

So not taking a moment of hesitation I followed everyone else towards the weaponry, grabbing one pistol and placing the pistol in its hollister. Plus grabbing one sword and placing it in it sheath by my left side of my waist along with the pistol but on the opposite side. Now I was ready. No, we were all ready for the most horrific battle of our lives.

~ * ~

I don’t know how it happened. I don’t know how the hell this all happened. Most of these scenes were such a blur to my mind. Maybe it was the heat, maybe it was the light coming from the sun, or maybe…just maybe it was this whole battle that came down in Chaos.

All I remember was the anger flashing through our Captains eyes when he saw the ship, the order of getting ready for and attack, ship by ship and the sudden sounds of screaming, yelling and clashing of swords and the shots of pistols cracking as it echoed through the air. Then…nothing. All a blur.

As I whirled my head around, taking in the scene with my eyes as my blond curls came around my face, I could then see that most of our men was on the ground dead, along with the enemies but just a few, not as much as we have lost. Turning my head back around, I saw as one of the enemies came in with an attack, slashing his sword towards my face, believing that he was soon going to end my life. No way in hell that was going to happen.

Hand shooting towards my side I unsheathed my sword, both of our swords clashing each other with one loud bang of steal hitting steal. He was very strong for a fellow, very strong indeed and I was about to give in under the weight but I forced myself not to as I pushed as best as I could against him, making him tumble backwards. Since now was my chance my free hand shot toward my other side towards the pistol. I took it out with one quick swipe and squeezed down on the trigger letting out one loud roar of thunder through the ship with the rest of the sounds, like one big orchestra, and hitting the man square in the chest, watching him fall dead on the ship deck.

I killed a man. I just killed a man and watched him drop dead before my eyes. And it felt so good. I looked down at my hand, starring at the pistol in which I used to kill him and I couldn’t help but not feel…sorry for him. So this must be what it felt to be a pure blooded pirate.

With no time to waste I drew my full attention back and began to fight along with my crewmembers, now not afraid to use my sword and my pistol. I could feel pride build up in my very soul as I stood back to back, fighting my best along with my crewmates, hoping that we will all soon drink up in merriment for victory on this day. Well, I was wrong about that.

Keeping my watchful eyes aware as I fought, I could see that our Captain was overpowering his enemies. As I watched him, I couldn’t help but feel relieved that I was on this mans good side, and not his bad. He killed the crowd around him that was blocking his way as he stood there, coat all red from the blood spattered from his victims and his chest heaving up and down from exhaustion. From that moment, everything just paused. No man, pistol, nor sword moved as every eye, even our enemies, was set on his rage filled face.

Captain Jay’s face then whipped around, searching the crowd of men, eyeing each one, even us. “Come out you coward of a Captain!” He yelled to the skies’, his voice booming out into the sea. “Are you coward enough to hide behind your men after you have trespassed into MY part of the sea!” he continued, face red with his anger. I could feel my face pale just a bit, surprised at his rage, which I have never experienced in my time on his ship. He then stopped in his search, standing still but his head continued to turn as he searched. “Are you a man? Or are you a woman?” He challenged.

After those words, soft laughter began to fill the ships silent state from out of the enemies’ lips. I turned my head around, confused as I watched them laugh, eyes on the Captain. They were actually laughing at him. And for what reason, I don’t know? But I knew we were soon to find out when the laughter then quiet down and the sound of foot steps clicking on the wood floor on the top deck was being heard. I felt all eyes turn towards that direction, seeing if this was the arrival of their Captain. Captain Jay smiled lightly. “Aye! Glad you can finally join us-“ He then cut off when a sudden black shape jumped up from the upper deck, falling down towards us.

I felt my jaw begin to drop when my eyes focus on the scene, bugging out in shock. This was no man; it was no man at all! It was, in fact a woman. Was this woman in fact the Captain of these men? The very idea of this almost got me choked up, but that wasn’t the thing that got me all shocked over, it was her very appearance. She wasn’t at all any kind of women that I have ever seen before in my life; [and trust me, I have seen many women in my so far life time]. Her black captains coat flew behind her like black wings like she was a dark angel falling from the heavens. But I could see that she could not be an angel at all. Her long white hair, as white as any snow that I have came across, danced behind her in the wind. Flowing like it was snow itself in the mid wintertime. And her eyes, her eyes were the most horrifying things I have yet over come that made me shake in my very bones. Her eyes were the very color of fire. As I watched her coming down towards us, I could see her very red eyes blaze in her very skull like fire, thinking that they were so strong to look deep in some ones soul and see the very sins they have committed in their very lives.

She landed on her feet, knees buckling lightly, but not so much that it showed pain of her landing and slowly stood up, facing Captain Jay as she placed one hand on her hip, not taking her eyes off of him as they both stood silent, starring right at each other as silence fell over all of us. I could then see Captain Jay’s eyes grow a bit wider at the sight of her, but he tried not to show it as he gave a slight cough, hiding his shock. “Your…. you’re the Captain of this ship?” He asked as he studied her. A slim smile came across her face as she heard his question. “What were you expecting? A stuck up male Captain such as yourself?” She sneered back at him with a grin. This earned a few snickers among her crew. But among ours, I could feel ourselves stiff up at her come back and seeing his neck grow red in rage. “You dare talk to me like that you wench.” He sneered right back. This caused a few ‘oohs’ from her crew. I could then see her hand grip her sword, making her knuckles turn as white as her hair. “You dare give me that kind of respect.” She spat, her smile disappearing from her face, as it then turned serious. Captain Jay then took a step closer to her, face growing serious as well. “You don’t deserve my respect since you are sailing on my waters.” He challenged right back. She then also took a step closer to him as well. “I can sail on any ones waters as I please!” She told him, eyes narrowing.

Now this has done it, I could see that Captain Jay has finally snapped and unsheathed his sword, voice crying in rage as he brought it down for a slice. This only brought a smile to her lips as she quickly unsheathed her swords and brought it up, blocking his sword just like I have done with my first kill. But Captain Jay didn’t back the same mistake as he has done and quickly brought it back for another attacking, only having her block it with her sword. Each one of us backed up as we saw our Captain’s battling each other, hearing the sounds of steel hitting steel as their feet danced among the deck.

No one dared move or speak as they watched the battle; my crewmates and I shocked in how skilled this woman is with the sword. “You know. I’m not. Going to go. Easy on you. Because you are. A woman.” Captain Jay said after every clash of their sword. This only caused a laugh from her as she reeled her head back, using her time to then kick his chest, sending him backwards. She then spun her sword around her hand as she slowly walked towards him. “I wouldn’t count on that.” She said then ran toward him in full force, both of their swords hitting hard against each other. They both stood their, swords blocked by each other, and their faces only inches away from each other’s. We all stood there, growing silent as mice as we watched. I could then see her eyes narrow down in a glare, as she looked deep in Captain Jay’s eyes. “I really hate men like you who suspect little of women such as myself.” She sneered.

And that was when it all ended. A loud bang was then heard among the ship, making each one of us stiff up in our very bones at the shock of this noise. I looked at Captain Jay in fright as I saw his eyes bug out and then his body slowly growing limp, life leaving his very eyes as they slowly closed, me knowing that they would never reopen again. She then backed away from his body, letting it fall to the ground as she sheathed her sword back to her waist and placed her secret hidden pistol back in it hollister under her coat. And the next thing she did, gave me a whole new view on her. She actually smiled down at our Captains dead body. I mean, I know I didn’t smile when I killed my first man, nor any other man that I have killed. And for one as I am sure, I would never smile down on a victim I have killed. But she, I guess she would.

I could hear her crewmembers jump up and down in triumph for their Captain, knowing that they have won the battle. And as for us, we just fell silent, sagging our shoulders at the shock of knowing the death of our Captain, dying in front of our very eyes.

And that’s when I knew. That is when I knew when I lifted my head, starring at the woman before us who has killed our Captain. The very women who was starring straight at me with her very own blood colored filled eyes was the famous, Captain Noya C. Serake.

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  • User Comments: [5]
    Community Member

    Fri Jan 18, 2008 @ 10:37pm

    YAY! VIOLENCE! That was awesome! I wanna know what happens next! Captain Noya is awesome! XD My advice for you is to watch your spelling. I saw a few words that looked kinda funny but I love the descriptions and stuff! I wanna read more! blaugh

    Community Member

    Fri Jan 18, 2008 @ 10:48pm

    Thank you very much!
    and what words?
    I read it over many times and microsoft never seems to work like you want to...so which ones?
    Could you give examples?
    And thank you very much.
    i'm gladyou liked it.

    Community Member

    Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 06:41pm

    'I couldn’t help but gap at this sight, not believing my very own eyes.'

    I think 'gap' should be 'gape'.

    'With the bad bail that rose in his mouth, he spat it out into the sea as if he was making a mocking motion towards the intruder.'

    I'm not sure about this one, but I think 'bail' should be 'bile'.

    '“Are you a man? Or are you a women?” He challenged.'

    I think it should be 'woman' and not 'women'.

    That's just a few I could find quickly. I'm just lazy. XP

    EDIT: In your intro, check this sentence:

    'So I would hope thatyouw ould take your time, read it, and hopefully put a comment so I know whatyou thought of it.....alright?'

    There's a couple mistakes there. ^_^

    Community Member

    Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 09:43pm

    Thank you SOOOOOOOO much for pointing them out to me!
    I don't think I would of known...
    And I fixed them.
    Again, thank you.
    you have a very good keen eye.

    Community Member

    Mon Jan 21, 2008 @ 04:26pm

    this is really good. lots of errors though. raze=rays.
    until next time,

    User Comments: [5]
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