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Liber Damnatus
Beginning profile for Ebris (HoH description for now)

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Ebris Dhifi is a monster of a human being. Standing 6'6" in height and weighing 282lbs, he usually dwarfs most sentients he comes across. His features are harsh and strong, though they aren't always grim - Ebris has a dark sense of humor, and it shows from time to time. He appears to be in his forties, possibly early fifties, but despite such an apparent age, his blue eyes are unnervingly fierce and keen. In addition to cropped, crew cut-style black hair (that is starting to grey), as well as being relatively unshaven, he has a very rugged appearance that would not be appealing to most.

Worn over his body is an aging grey duster, made out of a rough cloth-like material. It has obviously seen lots of use and is tattered considerably, as well as pocketed with random bullet holes and some slashes. The coat's tails are especially tattered. Worn over his chest is a dark brown padded vest, which has a black-colored bandoleer strapped across it that travels from his upper left shoulder and down to the lower right part of his waist, where it is attached to a belt of the same color. Strapped to the belt are a pair of empty, fairly large-sized quick draw holsters on either side of his waist, which ride low upon it.

For leggings he wears a pair of drab patchwork jeans, which are tucked into a pair steel-capped black leather boots that are cleated. Strapped to the side of his right boot is a scabbard with a knife seemingly nestled within it, which is 1ft in length. On the parts of his skin that are visible (his hands, arms where there are tatters in the sleeve and his face), Ebris is marked with dozens of old scars and burns. While he doesn't have any old wounds that would mangle his appearance, they are tell-tale that he had seen an unnatural amount of years in conflict.