one day when ed and al came home for a week or so to study, i dragged ed to the mall to buy him some new clothes. sure, he wasnt that coopertive at first, but i got him to give in. (after alittle bit of negociating. i had to sacrifice a couple of pretty pennies when i set foot in Victoria's Secret. U.U) anyways, after a day of splerging, we ended up with some pretty good-looking clothes on ed. i was fairly happy with it. ed, still getting used to the feel of new clothes on his body, urged me to change into my "special clothing" for him to see. i didnt let him see at the store because i wanted to get him some clothes without him tricking me. (that tricky little b*****d)
Amethyst Kisses · Sat Sep 15, 2007 @ 03:28am · 23 Comments |