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The Constant nagging thoughts that I feel i need to get out on Paper...No matter what they may be.
Krono RP
Is was a cold stormy mid november's night, I was feeling rather lost in the world. My heart was tore and steped on and there was nothing i could do. Walking the streets of an unfamiliar city as i was pained by the unkind stair of others as i passed them on my was, I could feel the rain running down my paling face and a faught the ever growing urge to take my life. I was rain drinched and h....
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Hoplessly begin for my time to come soon then i should. Just earlier that year, I arrived at my house in a near by village it was warm and pleasent day and i wish for the company of my lover and children, nearing the door i felt an awful presance, one that i have never felt or seen before. My stomache hurt and my mine racing as i pushed the ajar door open. Taking in all that i could before i.....
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fell to my knees in a panic horror, the smell of blood naseated me as i looked up again. The Mangled bodies of my Husband and children lay strone over the living room floor. It was like an execution but feeling that i needed to hold them, NO i wanted to hold them they where taken from me! I forced my self to my shaken feet and staggerd over to them, kneeling in a puddle of my own daughters blo...
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blood i scooped her into my arms craddling her limp white body as i looked over at my husband and son. Tear welled in my eyes and streamed down my face I looked at my daughter once more Her neck was strangely possition, She was still alive as they did this to her. Along the neck where strange bite marks, looking her over more i found them over her wrists and shoulder and even her inner thigh....
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Laying her down i leapt over to my husband body and his where the same aswell. And my son too.....Coming back into this current moment that was all my mind would play.....their mangled form drained of their blood. But why!? Why would anyone or thing take something so precious from me! I had lost my will to live, It have been over 6 mos and not even a trace of the creatre that did this. Every ni...
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night since then i prayed for the creature to seek me out and send me home to my family.....*
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Stop reading my name thingy && says:
Sorry....I was really fueled by this ^^" wink )
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
((no problem at all))
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
*I walked down the street of the rainy dank city, looking at all the people who were passing by trying to find my next victim, the next person who I would feed on. It had been quite some time since I had last fed on anyone and the blood lust was beginning to take over. As I was walking I saw a young woman who seemed to be pretty down on themselves and figured this to be a perfect target, I had...
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
finally found my next victim. Wrapping my black trench coat tightly around myself I followed her, my black hair flat against my pale face, my red eyes hidden behind the hair as well. I tried not to make my presence to well known as I followed her*
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
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I found myself sabbing once more i couldnt help it i collapsed to my knees falling onto my forearms my so near the ground i could feel the cool water as it flowed over the streets surrface. Gritting my teeth so hard it hurt i tried to hold my pain in without causing an unsightly inncident. Grabing my now pain gut my sadness subsided my an overwhelming Rage washed over my like a beast exploding ...
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from a cage I threw my self up onto my feet and ranted out loud * WHERE ARE YOU?!?!!? * Knowing the aching pain was only present when Isaw her family and felt the presence of the creature that did this to Me. **
Stop reading my name thingy && says:
Stop reading my name thingy && says:
My not her && wink )
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
*I stopped for a moment and looked at her apprehensively as she layed there on the ground. What could have been wrong with her? Though this was totally irrelivant ot the situation, he would feed on her after all, his amrk was already set. Yet he couldn't help wondering all the same. He took a step back as he saw her jump up unexpectedly and even jumped slightly when she shouted out loud. Was she..
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
waiting for someone, or maybe she was looking for someone? who knows and who cares. He stood there and studied her intently.*
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
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Falling onto a near by wall i spoke to softly that only god could hear." Take me.....Please.....Take me....." I began to sod deeply sliding back down the wall. and to my knees where a sat, wishing to see them just once more. but also brimming with a hatred that could not be soothed to the mear taking of my life. I wanted despritly to kill whatever it was to easy my tormented mind. **
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*he watched as she slid down the wall and started muttering to herself. He took this as an opertunity to introduce himself into the picture, force would be used if it were necessary, but going quietly would be much better. He walked over to where she was on the ground and looked down at her* "Is there something wrong miss?" *I was used to the way my voice sounded, deep and cold as if I cared...
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
((welcome back, don't worry about it
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
which wasn't entirely far from the truth. Water was running down my matted down black hair and face, dripping onto the ground below. I don't think she could see my vampiric red eyes through the long black hair but I couldn't tell for sure*
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
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Feeling a chill run up my spine as a as my ears heard the words of another, one who was there to console her wary being. Pulling my head up i brushed the tangled blonde strands from my eyes I peered up the near by street light shine in my eyes. Is was a very dark figure standing over me his presence was no doubt refreshing. It was the first one tried to talk to me in a long time. My glance bec...
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Became sweet then bitter as the aching pain in my stomache grew. Feeling sick again my body fell over my body cursing me with a migraine from hell. * uuughh....What do you want .....Can't you see im in pain! * She spat at him from her slouching posture on the side of the street**
Stop reading my name thingy && says:
Stop reading my name thingy && says:
damnit i third personed it again!!))
Stop reading my name thingy && says:
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
*I nodded slowly as I looked her over. It was very obvious that she was in extreme pain laying there on the street. * "What if I were to tell you I could take your pain away?....I can see you are in enough of it...and If I were to geuss...you were contemplenting suicide not to long ago....if not right now" *He realized he was taking a risk in saying this but he figured it was the right move...
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
((don't worry))
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
((I did it to XD))
Stop reading my name thingy && says:
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
. He stood there looking down at her with his cold unfeeling eyes, but of course she didn't see that. She could only see the lower half of his pale white face*
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I was felt disguested at his hollow concern. I forced my pain to the pit of my stomache as I crawled up the wall, stablizing slowly I spoke harsh word of strong distain to him " Come to offer my a remedy, drug, something that only delays my suffering
Stop reading my name thingy && says:
HOLD ON && I hit enter))
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
((I know..I type things out sometimes...it helps me plan))
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I want nothing from you dealer...You have nothing that i havent already tried. anyway....Get out of my site before you ignorance fuels my rage....* My hand lashed out at him pushing his shoulder back in an attent to get the point across, I wished not to be irritated by some fool hard man that claim to have the answers in a simple drug. **

*I merely shook my head in response to her statement and as she attempted to push me back, my shoulder merely shifted slightly* "No no....I am no dealer, nor do I have any intrest in such trivial things...what I am offering you is a permanent thing...its a perminant cure for what ails you" *I smiled reassuringly...or what seemed like reassurance anyways.*
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
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.....* To me he seemed to be a sick man with a sick agenda that for his nightly thill. I felt the twitch of a straining nerve just above my lip with and angerd quiver I spoke again in a solid tone, "I want N OTIHNG you HAVE...."hoping that someone near by would hear my dilemma and come to my aid. But as my glance became more shifty i realized that the streets where strangely deselant no one w...
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Was near of around us. I throat was parched as i swallowed hard Backing up slowly from him my eyes straining hard as i stared at his face, his black hair hung over his eyes keeping them from my site. feeling my grow wider as i could see a hint of red seeping between the strand of hair coverd his eyes. The demonic red color feeled my heart with a deep sadness that turned to a childish fear her an..
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anger was dimished by this **
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sick agenda that was out for his nightly thill.**))
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sorry...typos bug me))
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
*I continued looking down at her, watching her expression change from anger to fear. Maybe she realized my true intentions, though I highly doubted that because not many new of vampires. His only conclusion was his appearance, or something about it she just realized. He shrugged slightly and knelt down in front of her.* "Do you or don't you want a perminant solution to the troubles that are...
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
bothering you? Its quite obvious you are in a great deal of pain and that you want out of it...that or you want satisfaction." *Istood up again and looked up and down the street, finally realizing that the two of us were alone*
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
Stop reading my name thingy && says:
I want no solution that will be at my expence....I just ...*feeling my feeling my glance star off into space*.want my family back and ill kill the son of a b***h with my bare hands if i have to...I just want my family....*I felt myself begining to give up my will for life once again as the plagueing thought of my family ran through my head over and over again, My hands came to my cheeks as my ;;.
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my knees felt weak again.**
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xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
*A new development occured, her family was dead? So that is the reason why she is so down...not like it matters.* "your family is dead? that is indeed terrible knews...how is it that they were killed?" *I don't know why I asked her the question, all I wanted to do was feed on her. As the thought crossed my mind I put my gaze onto her exposed neck*
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
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Not that is any of your business....They where killed by...some sort of creature....Something that go a thrill out of blood! Something not of this world!....* My fist clinched and my eyes fixed on his face as if i where going to nail him right there. But i reframed thoughtfully. He was a strange man indeed....offering my sollutions to asking my why my family died. It was very strange indeed. B....
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but you know,,,maybe, just maybe he knew something of what i was talking about and could perhap help me.*

*I Knew right away from that, she was talking about a vampire....of course she didn't know that is what she was talking about. he nodded slowl as she said this and the word vampire escaped my lips in a soft tone that was meant only for my ears. I zoned out for a moment before snapping back to reality and looking down at the girl with a new found...almost respect. A great deal had happened to her..
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
already because of my kind...however I did still plan to feed on her, at this point there was no doubt in my mind of that*
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
((forgot to say done >< wink )
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Sok ^^))
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Seeing that his appearently had nothing to say I was done with this conversation. I had already, like a babbling fool, told him more then i was confortable with. I did the kind thing and offerd a single nod and proceeded to speak my thanks for his supposed concern "....I guess....Thanks for listening....Ill deal with my problems when they arrive,,,,"and i turned and proceeded then to leave, **
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xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
*I narrowed my eyes as she turned to leave and I quickly placed a firm grip on her shoulder.* "I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere anytime soon....you are coming with me my dear" *He said this without any emotion and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her down the street*
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Wha!!What are you doing!? Where are you taking me! * I was stunned and shocked i couldnt believe it my mine and my thought screamed out at me but i could make heads or tail out of it. I was hoping that my mind was mearly playing a foolish trick on my, maybe i was having a paranoia attack!!
In some way she wanted this. To be killed, murderd. raped until she died. Something that would bring about..
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the end of my sorry existance, I was a failure and a terrible mother, one to have never found her families attackers. their soul will never rest at my own selfish expense * I'm sorry Alana, I'm sorry Constatine.....Im sorry....My love....I couldnt avenge you....*
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
*I lowered my head slightly as she said those words, makeing him feel bad with every breathe she took. This normally didn't happen and I couldn't quite explain why it was going on right now. As He pulled her along down the street, her reflection could be seen in windowshops that were closed...however mine wasn't there as usual.*
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
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panting with a wide expression I strambled to my feet a feel compelled to know why he stopped, I turn back looking him over but he's staring at the shop window. As I go to see what he his looking at, my eyes draw up over my solo reflection. But wait a minute there was a man just next to me, My head shifts back over to him....he's still there. My face ran white and my eyes stinking with tears. "..
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"what are you!?." I spoke in a tone to shaken to understand"
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She looked back at the window and then to him**
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
>< wink )
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Gah my back it killing me so bad im typoing))
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
*I pressed on down the street, looking forward and shrugging slightly* "I am a soul that has been rejected by god...I am one of the creatures that you so hate...I am a vampire...that is what killed your family...a vampire" *I lowered my head again as I continued to walk, my apartment drawing nerer*
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
My breath quicken as my soul burst into flames hearing that Irememberd to the tales of vampires that where told to me as a child. I thought or it as nothing more then a mear story. But all of it was way too similar. Reaching into my over coat a jerked the dagger loose from its sheath. My body was on auto. My Sadness went to fear then to anger back to a deeper fear and now to a Rage. This is it...
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
I found the creature and to my surpise nothing like i imagined it. As i Ran at him with all my speed i took the dagger and raised it over my head. The icy wind rushing against my back like power from the gods I droped down with intent to slay my nitemares right here and now!*DIE MONSTER!!!*
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
>< wink )
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
*I had a feeling something like this was going to happen and of course I had heightened senses so I was able to detect her coming at me with the knife. I grabbed her wrist tightly with my hand and turned to look at her.* "Look I understand that you are ******** pissed at me, but I didn't do that to your damned family alright? Besides...you can't kill me like that... *I let go of her hand and stare*
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
You ******** monster!! I dont care!!!! you where going to do to me what you did to my family! You should all die!!! And ill Do it!!!! * my rage caused my heart to pound to hard my veins bulged from my hands and neck. I trashed like a demon pulling at my hand then finally i went for his neck nothing but a primal urge to murder my families killer*
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
*I allowed the blade to cut my neck just to prove my point and sneered* "Do you think I like being this way?! do you think I chose to become a vampire?! NO! I didn't alright, and its not fair to judge me on such things! *Crimson blood was flowing from my wound as I stared at her, grabbed her arm and dragged her to my apartments front*
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Screaming and lashing out was all i could do I was to stupidly enersed in my own fury i could have been picked off and killed it easy. my movement werent planed and my lashes non lethal. I as nothing more then a lunatic. I scarcely had little to no reasoning either. All i saw was KILL KILL KILL.....and nothing more*
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
hold on not dowe))
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
My screams and yells peeked to curiousity of sleeping others in their APTs near by*
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ok ok ok done noe))
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
NOW>< wink )
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
*I covered her mouth with my hand to muffle the screams and quickly pulled her into the lobby of my run down apartment. i then proceded to pull her up the stairs and into my room where I locked the door and pushed her ahead of me* "Go ahead think what you will but I'm only trying to survive, you would do the same if you were me"
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
her pupils the sizes of pin heads as they shined a radiant blue that almost to pure to hold such murderous intent. I was sickend by your site I cared nothing on the rhyme or reasons of your speices feeding techniques I was mearly interested in your demise. And you will soon see it if you don't you glorious ground and stand it. Dashing at you again her slender water drenched form inpaleing into...
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
your gut the metalic sliver of the knifes edge**
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Are you tired?......You seem it ...and Im done))
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
*I merely push her away and tear the dagger from out of my gut, I look at my hand to see my crimson blood coated on the dagger and my hand and throw the dagger to the ground. I then look at her, brush the hair from out of my eyes and look at her* "I bet you think i enjoy this to, as everyone thinks...of course I don't blame you.. " *He trails off as he steps towards her*
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
((done and yea I am how did you notice?))
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
your typeing style's changing you wanna stop??? )
xX-St.Jimmy-Xx - Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you kiss me the same when you taste my victims blood? says:
((geuss so...))
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Seeing there was no end to him, I had to have stuck him 8 or 9 times and nothing! Nothing more that a snide remark every time I stopped to recharge for more**

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