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AkatsukiRiver's Blabbering Book
Hmm, I plan on posting up some of my fav hobbies, intrests,poems, and maybe some of my original stories and fanfictions but nothings certain until you read ^_^
Hi and hello ^_^

You've obviously found my Gaia journal aka my Blabbering book and I'd like to say a proper greeting and give a good introduction.

My name is River, I'm fifteen,a high school sophmore (even though I'm supposed to be a junior;I'll explain this a little later on),I'm a natural white blond but due to dying(no not deqath dying ,lol, I mean dying my hair) look like I have Sandy blond hair.My eyes , believe it or not change colors on their own but their usually hazel.

Okay....lets talk intrests and hobbies!

Hmm, well I'm obviously an anime fan but not just any type of anime fan....I'M AN UBER MEGA SUPER ANIME FAN ^_^ Yes, I absoulutly love anime anime and manga , ask anyone who's bothered to try and know me.But anime/manga aren't my only intrests.Yes I know that almost every single thirteen year old female anime fan says this but I do have a big intrest in Japan and I do plan on living there someday.Now before you think I'm just doing it because I want more anime I'm gonna stop you and say "No, that is not the reason but come to think of it thats another good reason too! ^_^" Seriously though , it really isn't , I've always been into the japanese culture and history ,since even before I was into anime truthfully which was at age six or seven I think.Not only that but I do have family in Japan (yes , I've got japanese in my family ) and they own land there so I would love being able to visit them more especially my cousin and uncle.

Okay I have way more intrests but we'll save that and other things for a later "blab".Well thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you leave a cooment ^_^


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