<center>Went roller skating. Fell. D;

Name: Riley Lucia Alonstia Puvere Ayumi Age: 638 years of age. She appears as a seventeen year old girl however. Race: Vampire. Gender: Female Alignment: Neutral. Bio: This gray eyed girl that stands at five feet, nine inches, was not always known as Riley. Her birth name was Lucia Alonstia Puvere; pronounced in french. She was originally born into a wealthy family known as the Puvere du Usse. Her mother and father were Duke and Dutchess of a small independent colony of France. The Puvere family had prospered the colony to its pinnacle when Lucia reached the age of ten. She had had a normal life up until then; she learned how to become a Dutchess and house wife, made friends with the children that worked at the castle, and had uninteresting days when it rained. As her eleventh birthday neared and her mother was soon to deliver her brother, destruction befell upon her world. Blood sucking demons had attacked a nearby colony and were said to have been spotted coming this way. The odd creatures traveled at night and only took blood and jewels. The Puvere family and Lucia began their packing and moving of their things. However, it was too late. By the third night since the news broke out, the demons attacked the castle. The demons killed everyone inside, except for Lucia. It seems that the master of the demons took a special liking to her. Over the next few years, Lucia learned the truth about the demons. The names they went by were vampires. Lucia took care of the vampire's home, which were typically mansions taken by their victims, while they slept through the night. The Vampire Ayumi, the leader of the clan, eventually turned Lucia into a vampire; although he waited six years to do so. The night of her seventeenth birthday was a day of a special ritual practiced by the vampires to worship Satan. However, Ayumi made the night about her and her transformation. Seemingly odd, Lucia hadn't resisted the six years living with the vampires, so she did not resist the stealing of her soul. The deed had been done and Lucia had become a vampire. Ayumi even adopted her into his bloodline to carry on his legacy; since Ayumi was going to be burned alive to go on to the next world. However, Lucia did not wish to wait for the fire ritual however. She decided to kill Ayumi herself. An epic battle between Ayumi and Lucia raged on for almost fifteen years, with Lucia coming out the victor. Many cuts and slashes lined the bodies of the two vampires, until Lucia's final blow to Ayumi. Ayumi had sliced her mid back in an attempt to slice her in half, but his attempts failed and Lucia struck his heart. Lucia had become the ruler of the Ayumi clan. Over the next hundreds of years, Lucia learned to kill maliciously and violently. The vampires that followed her were left behind by the ambitious young vampire. In the end, she eventually came to serve as an assassin to the demons of the underworld plains. Gods, demons, demi-gods, humans did not matter. She killed whomever she was told to kill without a second glance. Yet, with every kill she made, a part of herself went back to when she was a child; she remembered how happy and carefree she had been. Although feelings of the past no longer intrigued her, Lucia slowly fell into darkness. She vanished from the demon plains and everywhere. Lucia made sure that no one could find her, that no one even knew of her. The crimson haired girl changed her name and made herself into a respectable lady. However, her past catches up with her every so often with the scar on her back; the reminder that Ayumi still lived on inside her. ((Appearance; A lean neck and pair of shoulders defines Riley superbly well, especially with such pale, beautiful skin. Her hair is of a crimson red; it shimmers in the sun, and has a nice luster about it. It's straight as a pin needle, except in the rain. In the rain it turns curly at the tips and ends. Rarely is her long hair pulled back, but when it is, it is loosely put up with a ribbon. Her hair is what usually sets her apart from all the rest, the tiny, intricate strands lustrous and ridiculously long. Riley's five foot ten, and if you add five inches from that you've got her hair's length. Around her stomach she's like a fine oval, her breasts able to meet a size 38B. Altogether she weighs a steady one-hundred-and-twenty-eight pounds. Her eyes are a light gray, which dance with color when you stare into them. One would say she has a cute button nose, yet at a profile it makes her look womanly and dependable. Her ears have many earrings protruding from her lobes and cartilage, and a great tattoo of a tribal looking mark latched onto her lower back across her scar left by Ayumi. ))
Skills: Riley is able to use the gifts granted to her by her vampiric nature. Such as vaguely read minds, tell when humans are near, jump incredibly tall buildings in a single bound (Ha..), move swiftly, and so on and so forth. Although with her special abilities, Riley tends to carry around two small katanas. Both of the katanas are placed in a cris-crossed holster that wraps around her back. Nothing else is very interesting about Riley's skills. She has basic knowledge in the art of fighting; she studied many martial arts, boxing, and self defense from various people she met or killed.
don't mind this. @______@;;;
blonde slaughter · Wed May 04, 2005 @ 09:01pm · 6 Comments |