Harry Potter gag comic(no spoilers)

Just in case you can't read my bad hand writing.... (left to right by the way)
Panel 1-- Voldemort: Someone (not me) needs to read todays adgenda out loud...
Panel 2-- V: You, Wormtail! Panel 3-- Peter aka Wormtail: Would you please not call me "Wormtail"... (those are Voldemorts minions in the background)
Panel 4-- V: But everyone else calls you that! P: Uh... not really only my old friends called me that...
Panel 5-- P: I...I mean why am I the only one who gets called gy their nickname?
Panel 6-- ...
Panel 7-- V: Well...
Panel 8-- V: You an call me "Voldy" if you want... P: NO!
(I don't really like how I drew them... I just loved the idea) sweatdrop
FUNeral__xx · Mon Jul 23, 2007 @ 02:12pm · 0 Comments |