Life's Little Instrustion Book (Dictation) |
101)Learn how to write a financhal report 102)tell you kids how terrific they are, and that you trust them 103)use credit cards only for convinence, never for credit 104)take a brisk 30 min walk everyday 105)treat your self to a massage on your birthday 106)never cheat 107)smile a lot, it cost nothing and its beyond price 10 cool when dinning w/cliants or bussines associates, never order more then a cocktail or mixed drink. If no one else is drinking, dont drink at all 109)know how to drive a stick shift car 110)n/a...put jelly on your sandwhich 111)never use profanity 112)never argue with police officers, and adderss as officer 113)learn to identify local wildflowers, birds, and trees 114)keep a fire extingusior in your kitchen and car 115)give your self a year and read the bible cover to cover 116)consider writting a will 117)dont buy expensive wine, luggage, or watches 119)put a lot of little marshmallows in your hot chocolate 120)learn C.P.R 121)resist th tempmtaion to buy a boat 122)stop and read historiacl road side markers 123)learn to listen to oppertunites sometimes not very softly 124)learn to change a tire 125)know how to tie a bow tie/tie 126)respect your childerns privacy, not before entering there rooms 127)wear aduacus underwear, under the most solum bussines atire 12 cool remember perople names 129)inroduce your self to the manager, where you bank, its important that he/she knows you personally 130)Learn to leave the bathroom seat in its down position 131)learn the capitals of the states 132)visit Washington D.C, and do the tourist thing 133)When someone is realiting an important event, that has happened to them, dont try to top them w/a story of your own, let them have the stage 134)dont buy cheap tools, craftsmen tools are the best form sears 135)have crooken teeth starighten 136)have dull colored teeth whiten 137) keep your watch 5mins ahead 13 cool learn spanish,in a few years, more then 35% of all ameriacns will speak it as thier first language 139)never deprive someone of hope;it might be all they have 140)when starting out dont worry about having enough money. Limited funds are a blessing, not a curse. Nothing encurages creative thinking in quite the same way 141)give yourself an hour to cool off, before responding to someone as provoced as you. It involoves something really important, give yourself overnight 142)pay your bills on time 143)join a slow softball leage 144)take someone bowling 145)keep a flash light and extra batteries under the bed and in your glove box of your car 146)when playing games with childern, always let them win 147)turn of the telivison at dinner time 14 cool learn to handle a pistol, and a riffle saftly 149)skip one meal a week,and give what you have paid to a street person 150)sing in a choir 151)get aquantied with a good laywer, accountent, and plumber 152)fly old glory on the forth of july 153)stand in atteniton, and put your right hand over your heart, when singing the national anthem 154)resist the temptation to put a cute mesage on your awnsering machine 155)have a will and tell you kin where it is 156)strive for excelence, not proferciton 157)take time to smell the roses 15 cool pray not for things, but for wisdom and for curage 159)be tough minded, but tender hearted 160)use seatbelts(9/10 it saves lives;1/10 it kills) 161)have regular medical and dental checkups 162)keep your desk and work area neat 163)take an overnight train trip and sleep in the pullemn 164)Be punctual, and assist on it on others 165)dont waste time responding to critics
Charmed_3 · Sat Apr 23, 2005 @ 08:46pm · 9 Comments |