Cole: Everyone I am backstage with the Intercontinental Champion, Bison. Bison, any comment in your first up coming title defense?

Bison draped the Intercontinental title belt over his shoulder.

Why yes Cole, I do have some comments. Now I know this is a competitive sport business. Often times friends and family can end up on in opposite corners. I understand that making it to the top is key in this business, especially my Intercontinental championship. I can see why my title has so much prestige, given how I won this belt clean and without any loopholes. Nobody can question my place as a champion and the top member of Apex. That being said, what Rex did to his daughter all for a chance of laying hands on my title? Disgusting. Horrible. Utterly pointless. I'm not losing this belt, Cole. Let me address my opponent directly...

Bison looked to the camera.

I know you're watching, Rex. Let's share some facts. I'm not your daughter. I'm bigger than you, stronger than you, and tougher than you. I have beaten you before and I will beat you again. You and everyone else back in the locker room can only take this title from my cold, dead hands and Rex... you don't have what it takes to kill me.