ok.. so yesterday my friend and I were walking back to my house...
Then my friend say two crows attacking something moving...
So she ran to scare them away.. I thought she was nuts because I didn't no what she was doing at the momment...
Then i saw her trying to help something so i ran over.. and there was a baby square... we took it with us so that we could help it get better and then left her go.
We found out her nose was bleeding as we continued to walk back to my house..
when we got back to my house I talk to my mom about it...
and she gave me some money so that we could get some stuff for her.
Then we walked to the store and got some stuff... walked back and went to check on her.
we gave her some water and some seeds to see if she would eat or drink..
Then we decided to see if she was well enough to let go she we tryed, but decovered that she was missing a leg...
so we new if we just left her go she would't be able to servive so...
then we called a couple of places and got the number for the wildlife center in bar harbor maine..
we called them and they told us not to feed or touch her and to bring her there or she was going to die..
So we asked my mom and we decided we were going to go and bring her there the next day (today)..
But when i woke up this morning and checked on her she wasn't moving, but still barely breathing..
we waited a while but she still didn't move... we new that she wasn't going to make it so we put her in a safe place and let her rest in peace....
May Miss Foamy always rest in peace...
There is a pic.. of Foamy below