• Pushing past the shadows of your orders you declare
    One day they'll be meaningless to me, like the words by which you swear
    And all this fighting because my opinion is so different than yours
    A number shouldn't make you better, but these years cause our wars
    Why can't you listen to me for once, because I sure as hell have a voice
    Is it so bad for me to use it because right now it feels like just noise

    They always say "When You're older"
    But what if I never grow up?
    Why can't I just live my life my way?
    Isn't My way good enough?

    Running through the puddles of memories
    These sobs and cries of desparation hiding beneath my pleas
    And all this crying just because I don't agree with the youth
    But if my ideas can not be heard how will we ever know the truth?
    Can't I just get a little credit is it so hard to entertain a thought
    If I don't get my words in won't it be pointless, all the years I've fought?

    They always say "when you're older"
    But what if I never grow up?
    I wanna do things my way
    And for me that's good enough.
    I've lived thousands of days
    I've learned thousands of ways
    And all is not in vain
    Because look at what I've became

    And I need a chance to become more
    close to who I want to be
    But so far I reflect so much of you...
    I just want to let go a little bit
    scream at the top of my lungs
    maybe even fall in love

    But I say "When i'm older"
    Because everyone thinks I'm to young
    But if I died today
    would my life have been good enough?

    They always say "When you're older"
    but what if tomorrow never comes
    What if my promises were broken
    because the hard times got too tough?
    What if I don't have anymore reason
    To wake up another day or two?
    If my way makes me happy enough to live
    Should letting go be so hard for you?