• i want to slide my hand along the surface of an ocean, any ocean, and feel the salt coat my fingertips.

    there are creatures who i wish i could be. so i can sail along currents that never end and never cease to slow down.

    there is someone inside of me who longs to be able to breathe in water. that way i'll never be thirsty.

    something about the ocean seems romantic to me. maybe it's the water being able to touch every living sea creature.

    maybe it's because those sea creatures share a love that i would die to have, and i want to be part of the atmosphere they're in.

    maybe i can feel it on my toes when i swim, every couples kisses grace along my ankles sending shivers through my soul.

    sometimes i wish i could slide along a stingray's back or caress it's sea wings just like my love had caressed my cheek.

    at night, i feel as if my veins are bending until they break and poetry isn't a strong enough tourniquet anymore.

    i used to create a stanza and it'd be my sleeping sedative for the night so i could fall asleep without thinking of the monsters.

    but not anymore.