• Now listen to me and you listen well
    We teens are sick of always being wrong
    We want you to know, that some times we're right
    Gimme some time, gimme some space
    I'll show you how much we can do
    To all of you out there, hear what I say
    I want you to come forth and summon your strength
    We all have inside us, that hidden deep rage
    Now show me what you'll do, to give them hell!
    Show them that you've got some guts to be spilled!
    Pick up your envy and give them hell!
    Show them you're tired of being treated ill!
    Show them that we know what's right and what's wrong!
    Show me your guts and give them hell!
    It's what you wanna do!
    Let's show them our hell!
    Are you tired of being wrong?
    Aren't you tired of being kicked around?
    Well stand up and fight!
    'Cuz we know what's right!
    Show me your guts and give them hell!