• Feel that?
    That sunshine?
    on your skin.

    The warmpth
    Cherish it

    Its a one
    in a lifetime
    So don't forget it.

    Doesn't it
    Just feel so great?
    Don't you feel
    Just so loved?

    It feels
    Ever so inviting
    So Beautiful
    So Amazing

    You don't
    Wanna lose it
    This glorious
    Glorious feeling.

    But alas
    The clouds roll in
    And your warmpth
    Is forever gone

    in the sea of clouds
    It hides
    Never to come back

    As the rain falls
    You wonder why?
    Wonder if the feeling
    will ever return

    You lose hope
    Its gone forever
    That enjoyable feeling

    As the clouds grow thicker
    You snap
    Not able to take it
    The sense of lossing

    You try
    And try
    Just to convince yourself
    But nothing works

    "Things will get better"
    You repeat to yourself
    The rain only falls harder

    You hope
    You pray
    You wish
    But nothing happens

    Where did it go
    The lovely feeling
    Just give up, its not coming back.