• heart Girls... heart heart heart
    girls love to gossip
    girls love to hate
    on the wrong things...
    some girls love to bring you down
    so they can feel more powerful and beautiful
    BUT...some don't
    see the girls that TRY to bring you down
    Hate on you so they gossip
    see some girls gotta defend thereself
    BUT...in the right way
    by just ignoring what someone said
    it's cruel what girls say...
    But...do i give a s**t no...
    BUT...it is also the way of life
    ima girl so i know
    ive been through alot of
    and it brung my self esstem down
    and that's wrong
    BUT it'll never happen again
    i'ma changed person, a new girl
    all the gossip and hate
    can't tear me down...
    so go ahead TRY ME!
    it aint goina work