• The Untitled One
    In life’s darkest hour people resolve to Faith. To seek absolute Salvation. For the miraculous power of Freewill haunts each and every one of us. But what does it mean to have Faith, to have complete confidence in what you believe in.
    Here is my dream
    Here is my life
    Here is my own god given story
    To be all alone
    To fend for myself
    Or to have someone watch over me
    Is it a sin
    To think he’s not real
    If that’s true then why did he give us freewill
    In my hands I hold the key to salvation
    I have acknowledged that I have what it takes
    If I’m mortal I have the right to make mistakes

    So I try
    To get noticed all the time
    With the lies
    That I’ve created selfishly
    But no one believes that I’m sorry

    So I have tried so desperately
    To get past all the misery
    That I have caused on my own family

    So I try to work hard just to get past all the dreams
    To make them into reality
    For no one knows how much this means to me

    So I have tried so preciously
    To live my life with dignity
    For I don’t know how much I have left in me

    So I try to work hard to forget about the past
    For I am never going back
    I guess you would say regret is what I lack

    So I have tried so desperately
    To get past all the misery
    That I have caused on my own family

    So I try to work hard just to get past all the pain
    For I am drowning in the rain
    You have to know that life is not a game

    So I have tried so preciously
    To live my life with dignity
    For I don’t know how much I have left in me

    So I try to work hard to forget about the past
    For I wont be able to go back
    What’s done is done so I should now relax

    So I have tried so desperately
    To get past all the misery
    That I have caused on my own family

    So I have tried so preciously
    To live my life with dignity
    For I don’t know how much I have left in me

    So I have tried so desperately
    To get past all the misery
    That I have caused on my own family

    So I try to work hard to forget about the past
    For I am never going back
    I guess you would say regret is what I lack