• emotion a funny word now is it. what is true emotion is it love, hate, or a cover up. i walk and like a symbol i see. it makes no scencs why say you love some one is it because you do or you feel you have too. or maybe you just cant end it. my advise is just but it to a end and be done.
    emoition what is it. is it hate or happieness. you would be serprised how many times i have seen those to things cross. why pretend you like some one. i see one person talking to a so called friend and as they walk away they make fun of the friend. thats not wright that makes you a jackass and a horible friend. so my advise is be a true friend or say your sorry because in the end carmas a b***h. and happines is short it is only temperaly unless you did the perfect thing. don hate when you like or dont act mad when happy this would be a lie and you should know not to lie expecialy to your self.
    lastly all i have to say is emoitions are funny there is not that many emoitions but some are lies and some are truthes so i give you one task seperate a lie from truth.

    by the way im a guy